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Which do you prefer to use, a raincoat or an umbrella?

by Vee (follow)
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Image uploaded by Russavia. Sourced from Wikimedia Commons.

I prefer to use an umbrella nine times out of ten. Raincoats can be useful if you intend on being outdoors in the rain for a while though.

Which do you prefer to use and why?

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For the most practical a umbrella is best.
Rain coats are just wonderful, but getting in the car, they wet all the seats.
If your on foot, then yes....great in those conditions.

I prefer a rain coat if I'm going to get poured on, or am out at an event, in the garden, etc.

If I'm just bolting from one building to another, I'll just get a bit wet. I really dislike umbrellas. They tend to flip inside out and the most inopportune times!
Coats, definitely. I hate umbrellas.
An umbrella, definitely. I live in Queensland and during the rainy season it's very hot and humid so raincoats are hot and sweaty to wear. I hated being made to wear one as a kid.
I always use an umbrella, though when I walk in the mornings in the rain with my dogs, I tend to also wear a short raincoat as otherwise I get wet.

I try to shelter the dogs a bit if raining, but in doing this I do not get covered totally, so if the rain is real bad, I always wear a short raincoat so my pants dont get wet.

dogs still get wet!
by Finy
Finy, it's obvious you really care for your dogs if you're willing to try shelter them from the rain. Hey, don't they sell dog raincoats?
by Vee
yes I have a DryAs A Bone one even for my old boy who saved my life!
However, it is a bit small for him and they are so expensive and they probably dont really care if they get wet, I think it will harm them but logically I know it wont
by Finy
An umbrella - raincoats are too hot!
I use an umbrella. I don't own a raincoat but I have a jacket that is fairly waterproof to wear when it is bucketting down.
I prefer a coat, though will use an umbrella at times too, but mainly because I don't drive so am often carrying other things and the umbrella takes away one of my hands to hold things.
Much prefer a Drizabone plus Akubra. Keeps me dry & warm.
Umbrellas are a darn nuisance, but had to use whilst working!

I can't stand either of them. One umbrella plus one car = waste of time, I always end up drenched and the umbrella wets the seats and carpet. I like to stay home when it's raining and make mad dashes if I have to and then dry off. Lord, how I loathed my raincoat as a child.
by Rice
Umbrellas! I love them, even though i don't need to use them very often, I have about 13 of them! I bought 1 lovely 1 from the Natural History Museum in NYC, in '08' It's covered in coloured butterflies, which are supposed to show up in the dark! I've only used it 3 times. The others ones have to match my dresses I always wear, when I leave the house. Most of my dresses do have black spots &/or a few black leaves, & lots of roses but I find black umbrellas too boring, (for me, that is!)
by Miro
How lovely! You should post a pic, miro_! I would love to see them.
by Vee
I haven't learnt how to post photos on line yet Vee!
I just have to admire everyone else photos to these questions & answers!
by Miro
Well, I look forward to seeing one in the future then. ;-D
by Vee
Umbrellas. I've got too much hair to protect! I'd rather have wet feet and legs than wet hair.
Good point, poppy.
by Vee
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