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Which do you prefer, thongs or sandals?

by Vee (follow)
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flip-flops thongs
Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons

Thongs, or flip-flops, are convenient, comfortable and easy to wear – no straps, buckles or zippers. But, unlike sandals, they aren’t very fashion-forward.

Do you prefer sandals or flip-flops? Why?

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Bare feet :P
Around the house, I agree. Outdoors, probably not lol.
by Vee
I hate open toed shoes of any kind.
That I already know about you Bryony. ;P
by Vee
Well, you got my vote anyway, B. :-)))
by Rice
For proper walking (eg. to the shops, bus stop etc.) I wear sandals, but I like to keep a pair of thongs by the front door to slip in when I'm just going into the garden or to collect the mail or something. I don't wear shoes indoors and sometimes it's nice not to have to put on proper shoes when I'm only going out for a minute.
I only own flip flops- no sandals.
I prefer thongs, its more comfortable.
Same as Jesus for me :)
by Vee
I do not like thongs, so sandals are my favourite, preferably with a slightly raised heel, though in no way, a high heel.

I love Birkenstocks as they are so comfortable and I always have about 3 pairs as I buy them form overseas at the cost of buying one pair in Australia.
by Finy
Things - much easier to get on and off.
Neither. Sandals too flat for my feet now; must have arch-support. It's called 'getting old' & I HATE it!

Thongs are worn in Public Showers. Never worn them at any other time. Too yucky!
donjo, http://www.ipanemathongs.com.au/womens these guys have really comfortable thongs and sandals. I know you said you didn't like them, but next time you're at the shop, keep an eye out and try on a pair.
by Vee
Hi Vee, my thanks your reply. Will do so!
by donjo
I don't know why . . .old age? . . . but thongs hate me now. I find them all painful. I have Birkies, like Finy, but I prefer to be closed in like Bryony. It must be an English thing. Any sandals I wear always fill up with dust and pebbles and I spend my life taking them off and putting them back on. Sneakers, boots, brogues = happy feet.
by Rice
I have about 6 pairs of thongs, in different colours, but mostly I wear Sketchers. I wear bare feet around the house also. I never wear sandals. Sometimes I'll wear thongs if I'm only doing the Aldi shopping, then coming straight home again.
by Miro
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