Which do you prefer: Coke or Pepsi?
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I think they're both terrible and worry about what's actually in their ingredients.
Read them on side of bottle, Matteo!
I don't drink either now, but I used to drink coke. I never dried Pepsi, so I don't know if there is a difference.
I hate them both. But I don't like any kind of fizzy juice at all!
I do not drink either of them
I love Coke. But it's best from the bottle. Coke from a tap at pubs or fast food joints never tastes the same - they don't get the syrup mix right.
I don't really drink either, except on special occasions. If I'm going to have all those chemicals, I'd have coke because they've managed to make it taste great.
I didn't know there were so many other people who don't like either! I have never liked cola of any variety. I rarely drink any fizzy drink, too busy drinking water or coffee!
I usually drink Diet Pepsi
I drink neither of them anymore, haven't for a long time. Coke is well known and more popular, yet Pepsi is not as sweet/sugary. Coke Zero and Diet Coke are preferred.
Well I did the pepsi taste test. To see if I knew what was pepsi and what was coke. I got Pepsi 3 times out of 3. So I have to say - PEPSI!
I am actually a Coke & Pepsi hater! Last I dark a glass of coke was 8 years ago when I had serious morning sickness and some wise old lady told me to drink chilled Coke with water : half and half. I dont think that helped!
Neither. Actually I don't like aerated drinks. But if I have to, I like the lemon or orange based drinks.
Coke but neither really - I like Ginger Beer
I do not drink either. I do not like sodas.
I don't drink either. As I have a supermarket, I know coke sale more because they have strong advertise but in my opinion Schweppes(Pepsi)compony is better.
New Year's resolution was to drink less fizzy drink. So far, so good. Having said that, Coke is much better than Pepsi in my opinion.
I would probably say coke. Though I don't drink either really as I can't drink fizzy drinks.
I used to be completely addicted to Pepsi, drinking 2 to 4 cans a day, although 4 cans was a rare occasion. My wife and I gave it up together, and moved to ginger ale instead. The idea was to cut out the consumption of cola, and lower our sugar intake. Ginger ale has just over half the sugar of either cola. We both know this isn't a perfect solution, our next task is to quit drinking carbonated drinks altogether.
Has that worked for you both now, Dgrwriting? So much less tooth rot, & money saved. Try drinking...only water!
Let your conscience be your guide. Although we may not be able to quote exactly how many calories these drinks contain, we're all aware that they're a no-no if we want to avoid putting on weight - and let's face it, the majority of us are doing our best to have the svelte profile we see constantly in advertisements. Now I can't say that I don't indulge in the occasional Bourbon and Coke but I'm then thinking "how many km on the treadmill will I have to do to work it off??!!" Well, I think I've said it - it's Coke, not Pepsi but the local supermarket manager is definitely not laying out the red carpet for me when it comes to Coke sales.
I am not really a cola drinker, however, if I must choose one, only PEPSI will do. It has smaller bubbles, and has less gas.
Coke always hurts my throat because the bubbles are very scratchy &Coke has far too much gas in it.
Coke's my fave. It gives me a bit of a kick along.
Coke is not as fizzy easier to drink I think
They are both pure poison and I would never put either one into my body. I can't even believe that they are allowed to be sold to the public. They are just so damaging to your health.
Coke. When people say that it's the same thing it's not -.-
Well I can taste the difference anyway
I would drink either, although not often but when I want to clean my copper bracelets I drop them in a glass of Coca Cola.
Coke. It really doesn't bother me, though. I know some people are very picky though (which I don't really get).
both i dont like. last time i read about pepsi, in a 1 tin of pepsi, there is 6 spoon of suger available. so i avoid pepsi 7up and all these are very bad for health.
Diet Coca-Cola.
Love it, & it's the only drink, besides water, that quenches my thirst.
Enjoy both icy-cold!
The Diet Coke is actually worse for 1 to drink than the straight Coke, Donjo.
Coke. I feel pepsi is quite sweet.
I don't drink either, but many years ago, I tasted Coke. There's been a few different flavours of Coke. I was handed a free Vanilla Coke at C.Quay once, & that tasted awful! I haven't ever tasted Pepsi.
As a kid I liked coke and would never substitute it for pepsi. I remember Pizza Hut only served Pepsi and not coke, very disappointing. Nowadays it's far too sweet for me - water is my go-to.
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