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Which do you prefer, black or white?

by Vee (follow)
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I have always been drawn to the colour black. I prefer black and darker coloured clothes, nail polish, fashion accessories, home furnishings, shoes, etc.

Which do you prefer, black or white?

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Well that's a very Black and White questions... there's a whole world of grey :P

When it comes to clothes I would say black. And just looking around my room, it appears I have a lot of black furnishings too :)
by Vee
Black - doesn't show as much dirt ;)
Black as it hides the love handles a bit better than white. Wearing white with children is a guaranteed disaster.
Definitely black - but I like that whole Ralph Lauren family in white look, except it's totally impractical.
Black - goes with everything and doesn't seem to get as dirty as with white! :)
Black. It looks great on people as clothes, accessories etc. As others have said, it shows up less dirt.
Technically black's not a colour, it's a shade. Sorry, I have sort of a compulsion to say that whenever it comes up. Blame it on my time in art school. I avoid white clothes because they get dirty child fingerprints and food stains on them and I don't like bleaching stuff. I don't really wear much black either. I'm a bright colours kind of person.
I knew somebody would answer as you have Jennifer. Hahaha.
by Vee
I will quote the late Michael Jackson for this one "it don't matter if you are black or white". I like them both equally and I think they complement each other so you can't have one without the other.
I think it all depends on where and what!
I do not like white clothes for example as I find they show the dirt and can only be worn once, hence I have two pairs of white pants in my dressing room which i have hardly ever worn.

I like black in a lot of things, but not in furnishings as I think they tend to make a room depressing unless you have very bright colours with it.

On saying that I recall building a house once, and wanting a shiny black bedroom. The builder would not do it, so had to get an outside painter, and I had pink curtains, lampshades -obviously I was living alone -and it was FABULOUS though on looking back, perhaps a bit like a bordello.

Yes I have been inside one, and that is another story!
by Finy
Finy, you have me intrigued.
by Vee
too long a story or when we get private emails! I didnt work in one though if that is what you are worried about!
by Finy
Depends on specifics but the vast majority if the time I would say black.
Black. I'm a disaster in white. . . . a real spill magnet.
by Rice
LOL! So am I...
by Vee
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