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Which do you prefer, analogue or digital clocks?

by Vee (follow)
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I prefer analogue clocks because I like to see how much time I have left in the hour. Do you prefer digital or analogue clocks and why?

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Analogue. Because they're old school baby!
digital, for me. The ticking of an analogue clock drives me bonkers.
Ohhh, good point!
by Vee
Have worked off Digital clocks in 24 hour mode all my adult life. Why? Hubby & I were in Army!
I also in job that worked in 24 hour clock. So easy. No mistaking of 'the time'!

IF I have an Analogue clock OR Watch, Roman Numerals' it's got to be! Just love them! Something very 'oldey-worldey' about them, so to speak!

As my actual job was SO date & time oriented, have clocks all over the house, so too, Calendars!
I much prefer analogue also for that reason.
I like both.

I prefer digital always in my bedroom, and I have analogue all through the rest of the house.
Analogue - all the way. It looks much more appealing and there is a less chance of throwing them across the room when the alarm rings :P
What;s to stop you from throwing an analogue clock Xarah? LOL
by Vee
Analogue - much more appealing to the eye.
I think I prefer digital as you dont have to think -some of the analogue clocks have no numbers and these really annoy me.

So, definitely digital for me.
by Finy
Analogue clocks are energetically better for our health, especially in the bedroom.
by Lucy
Analog. They just look cool.
by Gia
Analogue - there is more character in these time pieces.
I agree.
by Vee
Analogue, but I do not keep a noisy one and nor do I have a clock in my bedroom.
by Rice
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