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Which do you prefer - Casual work attire or formal work wear?

by Pauline (follow)
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Casual or formal, casual work attire, formal work wear
Source: Polyvore

Different companies have different dress code policies for their employees. While some argued that casual work attire makes them feel more comfortable and productive, others claimed that it makes them slack and unmotivated to work. Formal work wear may seem more polished and professional but it can also be quite uncomfortable for certain people. What's your thought? Given a choice, which would you prefer to wear for work?

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It depends on the situation. Casual clothing is awesome. I have not worn those jigsaw suits (from my Lawyer days) for over two years now. Suits feel authoritative.
Casual attire seems to make me feel more comfortable to move around and less fidgety. I've been lucky to have the flexibility of wearing jeans and blouse to work for the past 8 years with the exception of presentation meetings.
I enjoy casual attire more although formal work wear makes you feel and look professional. I like casual attire because I feel it's more suited to my personality.
by WSW
It's pity, there is no choice number 3.......or is their ?

I think it can be achieved.

Choosing clothes that are slightly a tad bigger.

If you have to wear a suit at work due to the dress code, have one made (if possible) that looks a million, but has been 'tweaked', so that when you sit it is comfortable.

For the ladies the same can be achieved.......I know I have a wonderful tailor, and they are not expensive....as you would think.

Off the rack clothes can be difficult,I have even bought one size bigger, and had it altered to give me a great look...with more space to breath.

No one knows, only me.
Your size makes no difference, sometimes it can be sleeve length, collar size, waist size...etc etc.

It just a matter of doing your home work, and finding someone who can make the changes.

I did ages ago , after having to sit at my desk sometimes 12 hrs a day.
Have never looked back, believe me.

When teaching in the special ed arena (and sometimes it was a bit of a circus), smart casual was the way to go. When we were down in the garden, however, it was smart working gear. There is a big difference you know. Occasionally I would frock up when we went on excursions where it mattered eg meeting the local Mayor.
It would depend on the situation and on my mood.
by Vee
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