Oh! 'Lassie'! But I love dogs!
I also loved ANY show that had a horse/s in it. Typical 'horse-mad' kid from 9 yo! My poor parents' having to put up with my wanting a horse! They reached a compromise: if I stopped nagging ( oops! Pun alert!) them for a horse, they would pay for as much riding as I wanted at a very well-run Riding School! I did that each fortnight for EIGHT years!
Boy, did I learn how to ride! It included 'everything' possible, like shoeing, servicing the mares with the stallion, feed knowledge, feed planting & collection, grooming, cleaning tack etc etc etc.
OH, & plenty of cross-country, jumping, polo, Polocrosse, bending races, swimming with the horses, in between the 'work'
By the end of that, decided owning a horse was not an ideal. My wise parents'. Also my school-work was important for Grade XII.
Then became interested in boys!, as you do!