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Which did you like best -Flipper, Lassie or Skippy?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.olrg

Did you prefer Skippy the Bush Kangaroo; Lassie; or Flipper?

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I think I liked Lassie the best though I also enjoyed Flipper -I cannot watch things like Flipper any more as I cry too easily nowadays, and particularly in animal stories.

I did also used to enjoy Skippy but remember Lassie more.
by Finy
Finy, I didn't like the Flipper movies, because he was kept in that tank for so many long years. That is now known as..cruelty to animals! He should have been, (according to me,) swimming around in the ocean, & not being kept to be a movie star!
by Miro
Hands down.
Flipper,though I have not watched any of these three in so many years that I may change my mind,if I was to do so!!
I only know Lassie, can't really say that I enjoyed it. I am not a big fan of animal actors.
By the way I liked watching the documentary Blackfish about orcas in captivity.
I think Lassie
by fran
Skippy. What a iconic show
Lassie, hands down but then I'm a sucker for dogs.
I watched all three, but didn't really like any. I did watch a couple of episodes of Mr Ed the talking horse
Skippy!! I still remember at primary school many years ago, tv was new and teacher asked about what I watched. She was leading me towards 6 pm news but all she could get out of me was SKIPPY...
I likes Lassie the best. Both Skippy and Flipper were always telling tales on people, like they both thought they were Biddy Shining. Tittletatts !
Oh! 'Lassie'! But I love dogs!

I also loved ANY show that had a horse/s in it. Typical 'horse-mad' kid from 9 yo! My poor parents' having to put up with my wanting a horse! They reached a compromise: if I stopped nagging ( oops! Pun alert!) them for a horse, they would pay for as much riding as I wanted at a very well-run Riding School! I did that each fortnight for EIGHT years!
Boy, did I learn how to ride! It included 'everything' possible, like shoeing, servicing the mares with the stallion, feed knowledge, feed planting & collection, grooming, cleaning tack etc etc etc.
OH, & plenty of cross-country, jumping, polo, Polocrosse, bending races, swimming with the horses, in between the 'work'

By the end of that, decided owning a horse was not an ideal. My wise parents'. Also my school-work was important for Grade XII.
Then became interested in boys!, as you do!

What's that skip?

Finy stole my answer. LOL!
by Rice
That Finy, she is tooo cheeky :( lol lol
by jonaja
We didn't have tv growing up. There were to many different Skippy's to count. And you can read about what I thought of the Flipper movies, under Finy's reply, so it would have to be Lassie for me as well! (I saw 10 mins of a Lassie rerun last week) I also saw a couple of the b/w Rin-Tin-Tin episodes at someone else house, many, many years ago.
by Miro
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