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Which city in the world would you relocate to?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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In search of education or career, or simply to make a new home, which city makes it to the top of your wish-list and why?

#November Competition
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I feel it has so much to offer, culture-love-energy-good taste-food-wine-Oh! the list is Endless.
Plus one can travel all over Europe from there.

It doesn't get much better......Really.

Art is a passion of mine, and that's a great starting point.To live in a Paris apartment,look at the Galleries.

Just talking about it,makes me want to go now.
I love to spend a little time living and working in Australia. Melbourne would be on the top of my list I think.
New York City in a heartbeat.
New York or London. Will be exciting to live in America.
The city that makes you the most happiest is the place to relocate to. Of course, you would need to visit that city first to get a sense of whether this would be the place you could live in. So many times we make the mistake of creating this image of what a place would be like and then are very disappointed when we are there.
Dubrovnik all the way! I grew up there and would love to live there again. Natural, historical, european and absolutely breathtaking.
I think I would actually prefer to stay where I am, Western Australia.
I have travelled quite a bit and although I love many of the places I have seen, I think life here in Perth is the easiest, and the best.
Australia is such a wonderful country -perhaps not as exciting as New York and Paris but a far nicer/more stable place to be permanently located.

Working with refugees, I hear time after time how wonderful Australia is, and they so appreciate being able to live here also.

My vote definitely goes to Perth!
by Finy
I'll just stay here in Brisbane. I think it's close to perfect. Apart from family and friends which I'd stay here for, the weather is lovely, it's really green and pretty with lots of wildlife right in the suburbs. Want a holiday - it's close to beach, mountains and islands. We have an area full of Asian shops and restaurants, an African area, China town. The river is well used with lots of outdoor eateries. There's lots to do. It's even a good place to be homeless cos you won't freeze to death!!
I'm more inclined to live in the country than the city, but if I had to choose a city I'd probably say either Cairns, Townsville or Newcastle.
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