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Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by Sgarton

Whether you choose to look at this question from a literal or philosophical point of view, you probably won't arrive at an answer without first being frustrated or utterly confused. But don't worry, you're not alone. In fact, only recently did scientists come forward claiming to have finally "cracked the conundrum of what came first"

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My sister has recently just got 3 chickens so in her case it was the chicken that came first!
LOL...that's too funny!! :) love it.
by jonaja
More than likely the chicken for the egg to get there!
by Finy
On the table, boiled egg comes before the boiled chicken. So I'd say egg comes first
The egg. Two chicken-like species mated to create a new breed known as the chicken.
It is the Chicken that came first.

I do not know 'why' people can not work it out.

I have not read the answer from any scientist to this question.
In fact I didn't know till reading this question....they had come to a conclusion.
That is the honest truth.

But after this answer, I will look it up and see if I have been right,
all this time.
I will be disappointed if I am wrong, because you need to have a 'starting point' with anything in life.It is just common sense.

The Chicken to me, is that point.
Where did the chicken come from? Haha.
by Vee
You know girl...where that chicken came from!!! lol...lol...lol
by jonaja
Who cares. They're both yummy! And my daughter loves her pet chooks, and they came from eggs, so it's all good I reckon.
by kimp
Neither. This came first.... I'll leave it to you to guess what it is :P
It looks like a geyser. Am I close?
by Vee
Would you believe the 'Grand Prismatic Spring' in Yellowstone National Park, USA.............
by donjo
It's beautiful.
by Vee
Oh! Vee, this was just one of the beautiful, picturesque, & magnificent attractions' we saw on our Qantas 'Jetabout' 25 Day 'Tour of NP's of Western America & Canada' in 1983!
Yellowstone NP was just wow! Saw 'Ol' Faithful' erupt on time! Yosemite, aaah Yosemite, just breathtaking! 'The Rockies' with their Glaciers & towns galore....Banff, Jasper, Calgary, Vancouver! I must stop now, or I'll get too carried away!
by donjo
donjo, I think you've just described my MIL's latest holiday.
by Vee
Has to be the chicken.
by Gia
bellabirth, I am utterly confused, lol. But, perhaps that is the point. ;)
by Vee
hehehe. 42 is a reference to Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
I see, lol, and that is why I didn't understand.
by Vee
Couldn't give a toss!

I like Eggs & love Roast Chook!
LOL! Touche!
by Vee
Ha! Vee, yes, Roast Chook, Spuds & Gravy was just 'one' of my pregnancy cravings, with both bubs!
What a cluck-cluck time, for me, not so much for the poor chooks!
by donjo
I believe the egg came first. A chicken hatched from it, but a chicken didn't lay it.
Posibly a genetic mutation. Maybe a whole clutch of genetic mutants that evolved into something humans could easily catch and domesticate.
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