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Where's your favourite Disney theme park?

by Natasha Stewart (follow)
Travel (244)      Disney (4)      Theme Parks (2)      Disneyland (1)     

disneyland, disney, disney resorts, bucket list, travel

How many Disney theme parks have you visited? Do you have a favourite? Which one is it and why do you like it the best?

#Theme Parks
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I'd love to go to the one in Florida. So far I've been to the one in California, the one in Paris, and the one in Hong Kong. We went to Hong Kong Disney on a very humid day which quadrupled our exhaustion at the end of it.

There's a new one opening in Shanghai in 2015. I'd love to visit them all eventually. ;)
Haven't been there yet, but I hear Florida is amazing! However, it would be great to go to Europe and then travel around the countries afterwards!
I have been to the one out of LA and one in france, and liked the original one In LA best.
The one in France, we went to in winter and still had to stand in lines despite the minus 10 degree cold, and i could not feel my feet they were so cold.
I guess that hampered any good feelings, whereas the Orange County, I think it was, was large and fascinating.
by Finy
I haven't been to any Disney theme park. Should go one day.
by Vee
The one in Florida is my favourite, followed by the one in California. I've been to the one in Paris also, but it was shortly after it had been opened and they were still having a few teething problems. We visiting Hong Kong this year and we're going to try and have a day in the park there, very exciting. I'd love to try them all! I've heard that the queues in the Disney Toyko one are horrendous. A friend went recently with their 8 year old girl and they only got to go on 3 rides in the whole day. That wouldn't make for much fun.
I have only been to the one in Anaheim L.A. The Original.
I had the very best time, and really glad I did go to the first one.It had a lovely
feeling, as if Walt Disney was there.
I've been to LA twice and France once, but I believe the one in Florida is the best. Last time I went to the LA Disneyland, some of the rides looked amazingly old and out of date - worst being the Finding Nemo ride which used to be the Yellow Submarine ride. As far as theme park rides go, it's had its day.
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