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Where will you be this Christmas at lunch time?

by Finy (follow)
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Where will you be this Christmas at lunch time?

#Christmas lunch
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I will probably be home alone, due to my choice!
I have been invited but Xmas does not mean anything to me, and I don't like all the fuss and all the food we eat, so have bought myself a duck which I will roast.

I MAY still change my mind but really prefer to stay home.
by Finy
Attached to the stove!
I will be at home, cooking and eating Christmas luncheon with my family. I enjoy doing it, and it is nice having all the family here in one place TOGETHER .
The odd thing is that I don'tparticularly like Tim Allen, but love the movie. LOL. Ah, maybe I am just nuts. I thought #2 was good as well, but #3 left me cold. I have gone right off Martin Short. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
by Rice
That is a very kind offer, Lluxi, but my husband has asked me NOT to answer these AA's anymore, because, according to him, they are an utter waste of my time! Also we'll be driving up with my daughter & her partner, & he certainly won't want to be stopping off anywhere, but I'll be thinking of you on our drive up & back, wondering where you are!
by Miro
#ditto Finy. However, if my daughter offers . . . *-*
Christmas doesn't mean anything to me and it always makes me feel under pressure if I am with others. I didn't grow up with it. I like to be home alone. I can watch The Santa Clause . . . oddly one of my favourite movies. LOL
by Rice
I love that movie too. I saw it when it was on TV recently
by Lluxi
Hey Rice if ya having Pavlova girl we will be over me and the kid! LOL :) x
by jonaja
At home again this year, me and my youngest.
Hahahahahahahaha. I love pavlova . . . . sadly "diabetes" . . . :(((
I'll buy you one and you can eat it for me. ^_^
by Rice
We'll be in Yea, out of Melbourne, with our youngest daughter, her partner, his younger brother & their parents at their lovely holiday house. We love having Christmas there, staying over & visiting the op shops as well! We have a late Christmas lunch, then big prawns & Champaign for a very late dinner. just eating them, as we stand in the kitchen talking!!
by Miro
Hi Miro. You will be passing by my place on the way there, if you want to call in
by Lluxi
I'm with you Finy. Home alone - my choice! I do get invites but choose to be home, not out on the crazy roads driving to or from somewhere. Safer to be home, eating & drinking something special, enjoying some Christmas music if I want & looking forward to the relaxed & relieved vibes which are noticeable on the 26th!! Merry Christmas ladies :)
I'll be home with my family
by AJ
At the local bowling club having buffet lunch. We celebrate our Christmas on Boxing Day at home with 15 of my family where we have seafood and cold cuts all day with plenty of liquid. Always soft drink and juice for the drivers
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