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Where is the best place to read?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
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youth reading, book
Youth Reading, Persian miniature by Rezi Abbasi c.1625

Do you read in bed, or on the bus, or even while walking along? Have you got a favourite comfy spot on a windowsill or under a tree?

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As a kid I had a favourite reading spot halfway up the stairs. I don't know why but it just seemed like a great place to sit with a book. Apparently it's not just me, A.A. Milne of Winnie the Pooh fame wrote a poem called Halfway Up The Stairs about finding a comfy spot like that.

I also read on buses, and in cars. Anywhere I have the opportunity really.
I like to read while doing steps. I don't like staying stationary for too long, so I have to keep moving about. I also like to read while travelling to help pass the time.
I love to read whilst lying down on a comfy lounge. When I was little I used to climb up the big beautiful tree we had out the front of our house. I would climb up to the top where it was cool and shady and read for hours. I did this because I have always loved the magic faraway tree stories.
Lovely! I used to read up a tree as a kid too. We had a lovely jacaranda in the front yard with a comfy branch for sitting and reading on.
Definitely in the bath.
Yes, reading in the bath is lovely!
At home on the sofa, otherwise at the library. Depending on your mood, reading on the train can be productive.
I feel that the bed is the best place to read a book. You can just sprawl on the bed, be completely relaxed and immerse yourself in a good book. Absolute bliss.
It's interesting that people read in all sorts of odd places: in bed, in the bath, in the kitchen or even in the bathroom while taking care of their other needs. I myself find that the best place to read is in my favourite place in the garden, under the big tree while munching on some snacks.
In the bath. Or on the beanbag on the deck in the sunshine...
I love reading outdoors with the sounds of nature in the background. be it chirping of birds, the sound of the sea or anything to do with nature, it makes me relax and absorb more.
I love to read in bed. I find it so relaxing and also a great way slip into a slumber when I'm having trouble sleeping.
I like reading in bed as it stops back pain when I lie down.
I used to lie down and read every afternoon for about an hour but somehow no longer do that.
I have to be very comfortable before I can read and concentrate.
by Finy
I like to read in a nice hot bubble bath :)
Me too. :)
I find I have too many distractions at home. Out in nature (the beach or a park) is always nice.
Anywhere peaceful. Backyard under a cool tree, ditto a park, or just on a comfy bed!

Also whiling away the hours on a long flight, & at the same time, listening to quiet music!
Also actually enjoy reading in my local Library! Lol!
by donjo
Cuddled up in bed to a gentle light.
I read before I go into work, I get there a bit earlier to beat the traffic, I also read when I'm on hollidays, I find it relaxing.
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