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Where do you think we go when we pass away?

by Lu Lu Belle (follow)
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It's an age old question, right? I'm sure we all wonder what happens when we pass away.

When I was a child I believed in heaven, as I grew older I learned about all other possibilities, such as reincarnation, or the fact that death is perhaps truly the end, or that there is a spirit world, our souls continue on their journey.

I would like to know your thoughts? Is there life after death? If so, what do you believe it is like?

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I don't think anyone knows the answer to that, however I have had a near-death experience. And the feeling of peace and all those things people talk about is very very real.
Thank you :)
I believe there is life after death and that we live many lives. I also believe we choose our own parents and lessons we want to learn in each lifetime.
Thank you :)
I also believe in eternal life. Your physical body leaves this earth (your existence here on the physical plane) yet your soul goes to heaven. Reincarnation is possible too. I also believe that we choose our own parents, and that they also choose up. Definitely lessons to learn in all of our lives.
Thank you :)
Before I place ''my opinion''......Please Note: This may offend some people who read it:Please do Not read this if you feel you may be offended.
The question was :"I would like to know your thoughts''. I would like to answer this question, but do not want anyone to be upset. :)

Many years ago....Scientific evidence along with archaeology worked very well to prove that Jesus was a real person, and that the Bible is a book written to give hope.
If we just live, and then die what is the purpose of our life........
I believe as many Christians do that we are here for a purpose.

I also do not believe in reincarnation..That is Not a Christian idea.
I believe what the Bible says, that God created the Earth.
I believe that Jesus came, and died for me.
I also believe that if I follow Jesus, (as I do and what the Bible says) I shall be in heaven when I die.
If not....I will never see heaven.

People often say that is not fair, 'why' can't they go to heaven without loving Christ.
The answer is ''would you allow someone if you were God to live in your holy home, even if they did not love you''.

As for Heaven: many years ago, one Saturday afternoon, I had gone to rest on my bed.
All I can say is I was taken to a place that was out-of-this world...The feeling of immense love was all around me.I saw things that are impossible to describe...If I try I just can't put into words...The joy was more than I thought I could even stand.
It then started to go, and I must have only been in that wonderful place a few minutes, but then it started to slip away..very slowly, and the feeling I got was
''Noooo don't go''!!! please I want more, I have to have more...Don't leave me.
I was not asleep, it wasn't a dream.

When the experience had totally gone, I was extremely upset I was not there any more...I knew I had not fallen asleep, because I didn't even close my eyes.
Even today, I still know how wonderful the other side is.(but I also knew it was not something everyone will find).That was made clear.
Then a few weeks later, I was praying...and I asked God to show me the opposite of what I had seen.
In science we always have opposites, and I believe there was one.
One night I was given a dream, it only lasted a few mins...I know because it was very bad.I will not say what I saw,as it is not appropriate but I now know that there is a very awful place.Where fear is the one thing I felt, it was like nothing here on Earth you can have.
Jesus was not there, and there was no peace,no love, no joy it was very very bad.I knew it was a real place.

These are my thoughts and what I believe.

Thank you :)
You don't have to apologise for your beliefs, at least not unless you're shoving them down someone else's throat unsolicited, which you're not. Just stating your beliefs isn't offensive.

"If we just live, and then die what is the purpose of our life........ "

Personally I think life on earth means more because it is all there is. It motivates me to make it count. What's the purpose? Well, you have to find your own. For myself I hope to maybe leave it a little better by making a positive impact on someone else's life one way or another. I think we are here to love and be loved. Don't get cranky with me for replying though, you asked a question.
:) it's all good Jennifer....
by jonaja
jonaj, thank you for your honest contribution. You have courage as others, including myself, do not. I too believe in those things which you have described, but sometimes feel that if I speak up, people will judge me harshly. I certainly felt like this during my time at university. I am very aware that I should practice casting fear away and embracing what I believe to be the truth, if for nothing else than for the love of God.
by Vee
Thanks Vee;
It would seem that the world is fast changing...and 'slaying' of the Christians still happens.. but not with Lions now, but by the pen :) Jesus said it would happen, so we just have to be strong, soon a lot of us we be put to death for our conviction, as you know....but our reward will be great. Blessings sister :)
by jonaja
I don't think we go anywhere. We decompose and that's that. The atoms in our bodies end up elsewhere eventually, so we might end up as part of another person or animal in that sense.
Thank you :)
When you pass away, the first destination, I think, is your grave. Honestly, while supernatural phenomena might suggest something like a spirit world, I don't think anyone can turn into a ghost after death. There should be certain conditions or else the ghosts would quickly fill up the Earth so fast you won't find space for living people anymore.
If everyone who died became a ghost there would be more ghosts on Earth than living people by now.
Thank you :)
We become energy and part of the energy system after we die.
Thank you :)
there are so many books out there written by mediums and other gifted people and they all say the same thing - there is life after death.
Thank you :)
I really wish we went somewhere, and I really wish I believed we went somewhere but I don't, and I haven't since I was a kid. No one taught me that, in fact, for many years I kept it to myself (because I went to a religious school and thought I was weird not believing in Heaven). One day in French, we read Le Mur by Sartre, and I exclaimed out loud in surprise "That's exactly what I think!" and the teacher thought it was hilarious and explained about the whole existentialist movement, so I realised what I'd been thinking since I was 6 or 7, was actually a popular belief held by many (maybe not popular, but you know...)
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