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Where do you prefer to sit in a cafe? inside or outside?

by Sharm Jay (follow)
Eating out (23)      Cafe (15)      preferences (6)     

I have always preferred to be seated inside a cafe rather than outside but have noticed that there are many who prefer to sit outside even during winter (with the nearby patio heater on full blast of course) . Where do you prefer to sit? inside or outside?

#Eating out
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In summer Inside.

In winter Inside.
I just don't like the elements, when eating or drinking.
Only 'if' it is a warm balmy night, then I'm Really up for it :)
Oh Yeah!
Depends on the weather, and what I am doing at the cafe. If the weather is nice and I'm looking to socialize, then I prefer outside. I sometime go to a cafe strictly to write, just to get away and be alone to work. In these cases I prefer to be inside, so I don't get glare all over my screen.
Inside by a corner. If it is on the ground floor, then I prefer to be away from the window, where people are walking by. if it is on an upper floor, I like to be by a window, and have a view.
I enjoy sitting outside if the weather is good, but sometimes, there are people smoking outside, and I get a headache instantaneously, so the only choice I have is to sit inside.
It depends on the time of year and the location. If it's a nice day and the café is in a lovely setting, outside is preferable. Otherwise, I like to find a cosy little corner inside.
If it's a lovely day, then I would prefer to sit outside. However, if there are people smoking outside (*glares at people smoking outside) then I will choose to sit indoors.
by Vee
I like to sit on the inside - in any weather. People who won't sit outside due to smokers I can understand only somewhat, because the fumes from the traffic are pretty bad too - probably worse. And, if I am eating a meal I hate a lot of people passing close to the table, or sliding alongside the table if seating is tight.
Yeah, inside only.
by fran.
I can't sense car fumes as well as I can cigarette smoke. Yuk!
by Vee

Have been more instances than I care for, of cars being driven into people, seated outside a Restaurant/Cafe.
Also, way too noisy, & smelly.
Where there is a clean table not too close to noisy diners and/or yelling kids.
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