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Where do you leave your trolley after shopping?

by chipp (follow)
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shopping trolley

Trolleys--also known as trundlers--are great to use when shopping. They also very helpful to cart everything to the car.

However, where do you leave your trolley after shopping? Do you put the trolley in the allocated trolley bays, or do you leave it by the car?

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We don't have a $2.00 system here, and find that people just leave their trolleys anywhere. It is very annoying. I return mine to the trolley bays, not only because it is the right thing to do but those boys that collect the trolleys could do with a helping hand too!
I often shop at Aldi, so I return the trolley back to the trolley area so I can get my $2 back
I don't actually do the grocery shopping very often, but when I do I take the trolley back to where it's supposed to go. Otherwise someone else has to so it's a bit inconsiderate not to, and they sometimes roll into cars if they're left around and the parking lot slopes a bit.
I always take mine back to the trolley park. I get so angry when I see trolleys abandoned in the streets. People take them from the supermarket so the don't have to carry heavy bags, leave them any old place, and then they end up being thrown into the river.
I put mine 90% in the trolley bay.
The other 10% means it's full or I can't get to it,for some reason.
In the bays. It really annoys me to see stray trolleys in a car park.

I always return my trolley. I hate it when people just abandon them especially if they roll a little and get in the way of parking.
I always take mine back to the trolley collection bay. My high school sweet heart was a trolley boy, and sometimes I used to go and spend time with him while he was working, as it could get quite boring. But when it became busy I remember how frustrated and upset he'd get if he had to look all over car parks for trolleys and take them back as well as collect them all to take back to the store. It's actually quite a big job for little pay, so I try to do the right thing out of respect for the trolley workers.
I return mine to a trolley bay.
I always leave it in the trolley bay
Return it to inside of shop or bay. On most shopping trips I collect one from outside to use. I consider helping those who can't too. Offering to take their trolley back if they have kids or elderly. I am no spring chicken either.
Always return it to the trolley queue at the shop from whence it came, of course!
It's part of being a responsible adult.
I always return my trolley to the allocated bays regardless of how far they may be from my car out of respect for those who collect them. I don't understand those who simply cannot be bothered to return trolleys - it's just arrogant and selfish.
by Vee
Always take it back to the collection point
In the allocated trolley bay, it is the right thing to do.
It is very dangerous to leave them all around the car park.
I feel guilty for doing that.
by Zen
I either put it in the trolley bay or with the other trolleys at the entrance to the supermarket. At some shopping centres or supermarkets there aren't many trolley bays and it is a long way for elderly people and people with young children to go to put the trolley in its right place. Where I live there are a good number of trolley bays so there isn't an excuse.
In trolley collection areas.
Always back in the shopping trolley bay
We always put the trolley back into the trolley bay, if one is provided. Most of the time they are around and it only takes a few minutes to politely return it.
The majority of times I put it in the trolley bay. If not, return it to where other trolleys have been stacked. I often pick one up thats been abandoned at the entrance to the car park and use it to do my shopping. It annoys me when its obvious they have been abandoned at the bus stop when all that is required is just a few steps and its inside the car park again. Some of the trolleys have locking wheels which won't let you wheel them down the ramp to the street and these are abandoned outside the cafes on the outside of the shopping complex and not collected regularly by the trolley guys.
99% = take it back to the trolley bay. 1% = put it with others if bay is full or take it back inside the shop.
by Rice
we are sooo much the same on this...lol
by jonaja
\ (•◡•) /
by Rice
Back into trolley collection areas.
If upon entering S/C, I come across one, I'll grab it to use.
Always put the trolley away where it belongs, either in the car park trolley bay, or with excess trolleys beside the bay, or directly to the trolley person if times right, or inside the complex in trolley bay, pending which direction I am going.

But if I see someone leaving a trolley out elsewhere and I am in ear shot, they will be called out to, to stop being lazy and put the trolley away.
Then I walk out and pretend to be writing down their details - No' plate and time etc, that usually gets them doing the right thing.
Gotcha scum bag!
Wow. Heck of a photo there. Ouch.
by Rice
I put it in the trolley bays.
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