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Where do you buy your gardening supplies?

by lizzi (follow)
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Some gardening supplies in my yard.

Do you buy your gardening supplies from a major store like Bunnings or Masters or do you prefer to buy from a local nursery?

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Our local mitre 10 or the tip shop. The tip shop has a great range of garden stuff at really good prices.
I never thought of the tip shop! That's a great idea.
by lizzi
From any nursery I am near
or Bunnings.

They seem to be around my area so why go too far, esp with potting mix or soil that stinks in the car.It also depends on the price, a few items can be big money.
Sometimes I may also go to the markets to get plants.
When I lived in London, my local market had a cracking garden stall and I used to buy all my plants and materials from there. Nowadays we head off to a large chain garden centre as I don't really know of any smaller suppliers round here.
I'm not a big gardener but when I do need supplies I try to shop local. I hate big warehouses like Bunnings or Masters.
I tend to buy my pots and such from Bunnings or Kmart where it's cheaper, but I prefer to buy plants from local nurseries where they know the plants and how to care for them and can give me great advice!
It tends to be Bunnings because there is a Bunnings next to a bus stop nearby which makes it easy for me to get to. Sometimes I order seeds online, and I got some fruit trees shipped to me from a nursery.
I would get my gardening supplies from a major store as opposed to a local nursery.
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