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Where do you buy your cosmetics?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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cosmetics, beauty, make-up

How often do you buy cosmetics? Do you always buy your favourite ones or do you try new products? How much do you spend on beauty items?

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David Jones and Myer. Otherwise I am given heaps through my work. Roughly spend about $50 a month as a result on all beauty products including bath salts etc
I buy from any place that has a good enough range, like Target, K-Mart, or even the Pharmacy.

I like to try new products, but I can not spend too much, so have to see what is on sale too .Now they see if you want to buy 2 for the price, of one!
I have found that a huge blessing, but you have to be in store at the right time.
I may spend about $30 to $40, every 6 months.

I don't use a lot of make up.
I don't wear cosmetics, but I do use face cream. My favourite is Liz Earl because after years of trying spot removal products, this was the first one where I saw any improvement in my complexion. I don't have to buy any because I get a bottles for birthday and Christmas every year.
I usually buy mascara and eye liner from places like Big W or Target or if I am travelling overseas from Sephora.
I don't buy much, but what I do get I mostly buy online. I would rather stick with the one shade of foundation forever but every now and then they decide to "reformulate" them and then they aren't as good or aren't the right shade and I have to find a new one. Hard to say how much I spend. My foundations about $30 but it lasts about a year, then I have a few tinted lip balms, blush and moisturiser with sunscreen. I dunno...$100 a year tops?
Lipstick is the only cosmetic I buy now!
I buy them where I can get the colour I want, at a reasonable price.
Always keep one of each in my Cosmetic Purse......brown, pink & purple/mauve, red as these are the colours that match my varying outfits worn when going to shops, theatre etc
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