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When you're sick do you usually favour allopathic or natural remedies?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
Health (523)      Wellbeing (113)      Natural Therapies (2)      Alternate Therapies (1)     

This image is from Wikimedia Commons (by Adityamadhav83)
Photo: adityamadhav83, Wikimedia Commons

Do you have faith in alternative, natural healing methods, or do you head straight for the medicine cabinet or doctor when you're sick?

If you were diagnosed with a serious disease, would you be more inclined to use allopathic (Western) treatments or to take a more holistic approach? Do you personally practice any natural healing methods such as Reiki, pranic healing or aromatherapy, and if so, do you find that they're effective?

#Alternate Therapies
#Natural Therapies
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I think holistic healing does work to a degree if you believe in it, and a fusion of alternative medicine with conventional treatment can be beneficial, but I would never just rely purely on holistic methods, especially if it were a serious illness.
No, having had cancer twice, I would definitely not use alternative medicine without also Western medicine.
I have had a few friends go down that path, and they have died.
I would however, look at using alternative or holistic approach while or after having conventional treatment, but definitely not as the main course of treatment in a serious disease.
by Finy
Depends on the disease. If it is stress related I'd go for alternative therapy but if it is a fever or infection, do need to reach for the tablets.
I would do two things.

1.Pray for God to heal me.
2.Let the doctors help me........simple.
For minor illnesses, I go with natural remedies as the body was made to heal itself. For anything that doesn't heal in a natural way, I go to the doctor's for something stronger, because sometimes an illness would go past a point where natural remedies won't help.

For something serious, I would want to hit it with the best medicine and treatment available, as things like cancer aren't going to go away (to the best of my knowledge) with aromotherapy.
Sleep. The great healer. It takes a lot to get me to the doctor. Usual sickness is viral and they can't do much for viruses. I prefer to shake it off than go and sit in a room full of sick people.
by Rice
Oh! Rice, your last five words' remind me of part of script for movie, 'Flying High'!
Hostie: 'What's a Hospital?
Captain (Leslie Nielsen): 'It's a big building for sick people'...............
That movie was just soooooo funny! Cheers!
by donjo
I 'favour' my excellent GP...........
There's a quote from Tim Minchin- You know what they call an alternative medicine that's been proven to work? Medicine.

Some natural medicines, like certain herbal remedies, have evidence behind them. They have active ingredients that work. Others, like Reiki, aren't supported by any evidence, or like homeopathy or acupuncture have actually been proven not to work. So personally I stick with medicine for anything serious, though I use herbal remedies for stuff like treating the symptoms of a cold or mildly upset stomach.
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