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When you make a cup of tea do you put the milk in first?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
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tea cup with rose pattern, cup and saucer, tea
Photo by Miya, shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

If you drink tea, and you take it with milk, do you add the milk before or after the tea?

#Big End vs Little End
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I don't drink tea, but I am the chief tea maker in the house. I know exactly how my parents like their tea

1. First pour the tea
2. Let it brew for a minute or two.
3. Jiggle the teabag, strain, and remove.
4. Add the tiniest drop of milk so that the colour barely changes.

That's a proper builder's brew.
Mmmmm. I can almost taste it :-)
by Rice
For a traditional tea, I put the milk in last. When drinking some herbal tea, I don't put any milk in at all.
I was just thinking of tea that's supposed to have milk in it. Herbal tea with milk would be weird.
A friend of mine always has milk in her peppermint tea. I don't know how she stomachs it.
by grann
Absolutely not. Like to put it in last, to get the right color.
I'm the only one in my household who takes milk, and then only sometimes (it depends on what time of day and what kind of tea it is) and I usually add the milk last but I hear some people do it the other way around and I'm intrigued as to why.
No, the milk is added in last as something to enhance the flavour. I'm happy to enjoy tea without milk.
Depends on how delicious you want to make your tea. If you want a standard milk tea then following tradition you would add the milk at the very end. But if you desire a delicious milk tea then you will boil the tea bag in the milk for 2-3 minutes (in microwave or pot) and then add sugar/honey to the concoction. Aah, delightful!

Should be put in after the tea has sat in the cup a few seconds,or it will cool it down and plus I think it would take the taste of the tea away.
I add the milk last because I generally use tea bags and if you put it in first the tea wouldn't brew properly.
I would imagine so. I would think the same thing would apply when making loose leaf tea with an infuser in the cup rather than a pot (what I ususually do when I'm only makng one cup).
before, if it's tea leaves, and in a hot tea pot, with boiling water, which is the best cup of tea. not tea bags.
What is the advantage of putting the milk in first?
after i like my ta strong

Mid morning and afternoon tea is kind of a Ritual for us as long as I can remember. I am sure it had something to do with British influence that my grandparents had. We had all the works, from the tea pot, strainer, to the tea cozy and even the little eats for all our 'tea times'. My grandma used to add milk before pouring tea to the cup and I think this was considered the 'posh' way of doing it. But I am sure there is some reason behind it! Now I am in too much of a hurry to do the proper tea time rituals as we used to. So its tea bag straight to the mug ( no proper tea cups and saucers) milk on top and then off I go!
I put milk in first when brewing a cup of tea but when its a tea bag I put the milk in last or iit kills the tea and the colour never comes 'right'
or just how it comes as long as its not strong.
milk last
No, milk is add in last, tea without milk is just loving it .
Milk after brewing .Allows for tea to be more flavoursome I think.
by Zen
only drink green tea these days so definitely not milk but growing up in an English family where many many cups of tea were drunk in our growing up years the milk was definitely put in last. I know milk in first is to do with scalding the milk and getting a different taste...
No, tea first then milk and sugar.
Oh yuck!
Nice strong tea, from a proper tea-pot goes in firstly to cup, then sugar, stirred, then milk lastly.
Have a designed cup so know what level for tea, then milk top up.
Sit back & enjoy, maybe with a bikkie or fresh Lamington! Yum.......
milk in first that way you can judge how much milk is being used for green tea no milk is used
Milk should always go last or the brew is ruined either way. Plus, the teabag should have left the cup before the milk gets in and only AFTER the bag has brewed a bit. I hate angel's water. Blergh. If I make a pot I am apt to drink the whole lot myself.
by Rice
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