When you leave a room, do you turn the lights off behind you or keep them on throughout your house most of the time?
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This is another of my pet hates!
I hate when people leave lights on -I don't quite know why as I am not a "greenie" or want to save electricity normally, but I think that is such a waste, and it only takes seconds to turn on and off.
Perhaps it is because my lights are very bright and sometimes annoying? who knows!!!
I'm known for even turning off lights in other peoples houses! I can't help it!
I always turn them off, but my parents are forever leaving them on. They think they're coming back, then get distracted and are gone for ages. I go about switching all the lights off and they get annoyed at me.
I'm really not good at this! I like to put lamps on in our bedroom and lounge area, it just makes the place feel cosy and welcoming - I think the word is ambience! Must try harder to save energy!
I turn lights out as I leave a room.It is sort of an instinct with me,and I do not even think about it!! My absolute pet hate is when visitors use my bathroom and leave the light on! It is one of those things like closing the Loo Lid,for me I guess!!
I never leave lights on behind me or anywhere except where I am...one lamp on at night in loungeroom...am a super saver
Us too, a small lamp in our Lounge room :)
Having English parents, I only really ever heard ''turn off the light''.
Anyway 'why' would one leave a light on...if your not in that room.
If a light has been left on, I soon say ''Light''.
That sends my son to run and turn it off, I can hardly afford my electric bill as it is.
It depends! We have longlife low energy bulbs in the rooms that get the most use, so it is better to keep them on all the time rather than switching them on and off as we go in and out.
Other rooms that don't get used very often have normal bulbs in them so we can just have the light on when we're in there.
Although my parents brought me up very frugally, my father was adamant that switching a light on and off too often would damage the bulb and shorten its life, so it was always a matter of trying to balance wasting electricity versus damage to the bulb!
It depends but I usually turn them off
I have two lights on at night time. One in the room I am in, usually the lounge or the kitchen, and one in the other. It gives me a sense of security because I am on my own some nights.
Turn them off. If you are not in the room the light is not on.
Every time I leave a room i turn off the lights behind me. I'm big on energy conservation.
Off! At all times, UNLESS I know will be going back into room within FIVE minutes!
Fluoro has a bit more flexibility with me, but only have that in Kitchen!
Electricity is just way TOO expensive nowadays to be leaving lights on!
No, I make sure lights are turned off when leaving a room.
I usually turn the lights off when I leave the room.
Having been bought up with Mum forever saying 'turn the light off!', I always turn them off as I leave a room.
Yes Poppy, me too! That's what MY mum always told me as well, so I just do it, out of habit. My husband likes the kitchen like left on though, when we're not in there. (it's a long life bulb as all our lights are now.) If we're going out, he likes a couple of lights left on, if we won't be home until dark, but as I most often leave a room after him, I turn them of by mistake!
Yes, usually I do turn them off as I leave the room, but my husband likes them left on, as they're long life bulbs, but I just forget to leave them on, as I'm thinking about something else, as I come out of the kitchen, so off goes the light! Ops!
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