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When you have coffee out, do you ever get an extra shot?

by Finy (follow)
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When you have a coffee out, do you get an extra shot of coffee?

#Coffee out
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I only drink "real" coffee, as against instant which I cannot stand, and therefore I find that most cafes don't make it quite strong enough for a flat white.

I have started asking for half an extra shot each time now and it is so much nicer - sometimes I cannot taste coffee but only milk - some make it so weak!

The other day they gave me the extra half shot in a little cup to add as much as I wanted - great idea also - mostly they do charge an extra 80 cents here for one extra shot which sounds like such a rip off however coffee seems to be over $4 now everywhere here and even up to $4.50.

I bring my coffee over from Sydney - think I have mentioned this before - my family have been buying at the same place for some 60 years now!
by Finy
Yesterday I had a coffee with no sugar at a cafe !!! Woohoo. I are so brave. LOL
by Rice
Don't drink coffee, since maybe 1964?
or Ordinary Tea.
I don't like coffee, so I never get it at all.
I have never asked for an extra shot but I can't abide weak coffee, it makes me want to barf. I use three big heaped dessertspoons in a plunger and drink it strong and sweet at home. It's not as nice with poopy artficial sweetener though :((((
by Rice
Rice - many years ago I weaned myself off sugar in coffee - you just take a bit less each day, very slowly and now i could not stand the thought of spoiling a good coffee with sweetener...
by Finy
Well . . . I can manage a bit less sugar than I used to . . . . maybe I'll try without the sweetener because it's so dire anyway.
by Rice
Well. I like weak milky coffee so I only ask for HALF shot in super large mug. Most cafes have bitter tasting beans and leave an aftertaste yuk, so weak suits me just fine. Dont drink coffee out often but Laurent make an ideal one for me in their bowl yum! And no sugar either...
I enjoy a decent, strong coffee but never thought about an extra shot. I'm more inclined to not drink it when out preferring to make my own at home.
I like to have a cappuccino when I go out but have never asked for an extra shot. I don't like strong coffee so I have never even considered it.
I have once, at a local coffee shop where the staff hadn't done a barista course, & it was much nicer! (I still have NEVER had sugar in my coffee nor a sweetener, (as my father used to use, way back in the '60's, until he died in '77.)
by Miro
My husband & I now share a jumbo latte with a double shot. "Ahh, that's better" but having said that, we hardly buy a coffee when we are out though. The other evening I bought a jumbo latte double shot for myself to drink before the show I was going to see, so I wouldn't fall asleep during it, or yawn my head off!
by Miro
by AJ
I've never ordered it with an extra shot. I find that one shot is just enough for me.
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