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When you go out to eat, do you check the menu and prices before going in?

by Finy (follow)
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When you go out to eat, do you first look at the menu, and/or check prices, and look what is available before you walk in?

#Eating out
#Restaurant menu
#Cafe menu
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No I don't generally however thisdepends on who I am with -I often glance online at a menu before I go to make sure there is something vegetarian -if I saw it was horribly expensive I probably wouldnt go, once again depending on who I was going with.
by Finy
We always look at the menu, either online if we're booking in advance or in person if we're having an impromptu meal out. I am on a very restricted diet for health reasons so need to be sure there is something I can eat before committing to a table! My son is also an incredibly fussy eater so if he is with us then that's another layer of complication to check for.
I can't imagine not looking at the menu first actually!
The prices don't bother me though.
No I don't usually, however make sure I have a pretty good idea about what the restaurant/café etc is about ie upmarket, casual, fine dining, international or whatever by checking it out on Google...before I go.
by Fran
Yes, definitely! We don't have a bottomless pit when it comes to a dining out budget!
I like to look at the menu before I go so I can see what the choices are.
by AJ
Yes indeed.
I also check how clean it is, that a big one too.
ah Jonaj, but you cannot generally see the kitchen!
by Finy
If the floors are clean, tables and I always look for grease marks here and there.
Finger marks, and just the whole look of the place, if it is very clean...chances are they take pride. :)
by jonaja
We used to. These days we check that it's "child friendly" first! Although it is important that it offers gluten free options and is reasonably priced, so we will check those if we have several options - usually we eat out in small "one horse towns..." and one horse towns generally have limited eating options: RSL and one café usually...
I definitely have to check the menu as I am allergic to so many ingredients used these days in even basic menu items! I also like to glance through the window to see how busy a restaurant is.If it is busy,then this is usually a sign that it is popular and also very good! My son is a chef,so I have knowledge of a few little tricks of the trade to look out for! High prices unfortunately do tend to turn me away as I am now on a disability pension and cannot afford to spend enormous amounts on a meal! Sad but True!
Sure do
If the menu and price list is posted at the entrance, sure. I really don't think the offerings presented by some restaurants are worth the price. In addition, I don't want leave after we have already sat down.
In this day & age, easy to pre-check online. Am an avid reader of Reviews. Fortunately, have a few local, excellent ones. Go with friends' every couple of months' & each time, one of them decides, our next get-together. We take turns in the decision, so it's not always on the same side of town, but evens out.
A good night of chatter, laughter, excellent food with accompanying wines ensue! Bon Apetit!
Yes Quite often as some venues charge over the top prices.
Me too! I always look on line to choose what I might eat. We never just walk into a restaurant we're passing by. Other times, while walking by, I'll look at a menu, with no intentions of going inside!
by Miro
If we are out and just walking past a little cafe or restaurant and feel like something to nibble, it is not something you can plan ahead. I always check the menu to make sure that there is something I would enjoy eating, but don't necessarily check the price.
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