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When you cook a chicken, do you leave the neck and Parsons Nose on or off?

by Finy (follow)
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When cooking a chicken, do you discard the neck and Parsons Nose?

#Cleaning chicken
#Chicken neck
#Parsons Nose
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I get rid of the Parsons nose -dogs usually get this, before cooking.
I cook the neck with the chicken as I love the neck and I even sometimes eat the soft bones -however that is one part of a cooked chicken that dogs are allowed to eat, so usually feel guilty eating "their" bones.
Neck meat is lovely and tender.
by Finy
Hahahahaha! I do the opposite.
by Rice
Not into any extras that have no need to be there(for me).
That's when I have in the past cooked chicken.
OK jonaj, so this week's theme appears to be chickens with Finy!!!
by Finy
I take the neck out for the dogs and cook the chook with the Parson's Nose on. My mother always loved that part. If the boy dog isn't looking, I sneak it to the girl dog . . . . then we high five. LOL
by Rice
I sneak it to my blind boy dog if the sighted girl dog is not looking!
by Finy
BUT She has incredible hearing and hears him chewing from other rooms!
by Finy
Bahahahahahahahahahaha! My boy dog can hear BUTTER from another room - I kid you not!! LOL. LOL.
by Rice
I am just so thrilled that we all adore our dogs so very much! This is truly heartwarming to me,as my own Fur Babies are my best mates!! Mine are very aware of anything yummy being available for THEM to enjoy,even my deaf one!!!
And I DO spoil them all at least once,make that twice or more times, a day!!!!
by Jules
Hear no evil, see no evil and look who's talking!! LOL. I have a very vocal boy - he thinks he's a Malamute. He also thinks that yodelling will make breakfast arrive faster.
by Rice
I never buy a whole chicken. From preference I only buy skinless chicken breasts. I cook them in a variety of ways as they are very versatile.
I think the last time I cooked a whole chicken was about 30 years ago. Couldn't be bothered fiddling around with it now, especially as I only like chicken breast.
LOL . . . . we are SO from the UK, we two!
by Rice
Yep - with no apologies!
by norma
I guess that I would remove them just because I've ever seen these parts left on...I have never cooked a whole chicken.
by Vee
that is so unusual Vee, never to have cooked a whole chicken! do you not eat them roasted, or do you just buy them...
They are actually so nice bought!
by Finy
No, I have never roasted a whole chicken, Finy. I'm too afraid I'll stuff it up - no pun intended. I rarely buy roasted chicken either. I agree though, they are very nice.
by Vee
how can you stuff up a roast chicken -it is the easiest thing to cook! no skills needed...
by Finy
Heck Vee, if you are worried . . . just cut a lemon in half and shove it up the chook and roast it for about an hour until it looks nice. A little smear of butter on top perhaps. You'll have a nice moist chook and you won't be afraid any more . . . then you can practise Finy's recipes.
by Rice
Valid points, I see...perhaps I will take a leap of faith lol. Thanks for the encouragement you two. :-D
by Vee
I have never seen these left on a whole chicken. I probably would get rid of them if I did see them
by AJ
I haven't roasted a chicken before.
I thought they were always left on. A chook without the parsons nose would look………well, cut off.
by fran.
We have roast chicken a lot but they don't come with the neck in them nowadays. However the parsons nose is always left on and my husband prefers to eat it. Being a youngster in Europe during the war years the meat went to the father and ths older boys whenever a chicken was available and he and the younger brother sucked whatever they could off the carcass and that's why there is never any food left on hubby's plate
I buy my whole chook from my Butcher, has no neck inside.

Parson's Nose there, which once cooked, cat gets it!
We cook a whole chook in the microwave cooker in the microwave oven. Yes the neck and the nose are left on because it is easier. My Mum used to love the Parsons Nose, it is too fatty. I think, but if it is attached to the piece that I am eating then I eat it. The neck, I take the meat off for the dog, not that there is a lot of meat on it.
Off! Your question took me back to my teenage years. My father and sister-in-law always indulged in a fight over who would "get the parson's nose". I didn't care...I just wanted it to be over!

Living alone and not having cooked a whole chicken for ages,I can only say what I USED to do....I would cook the entire thing and then share certain bits with my beloved Fur Babies!! When I was a kid,we'd all fight for the neck as it was always so tender and tasty,but the Parson's Nose went to the dog as a treat!
Whenever chicken is prepared at my house the neck is used to make soup or stock.
The Parsons nose however is discarded.
I read somewhere that the parson's nose should not be eaten, as there is a gland in the middle of it and that that gland contains some sort of fluid or whatever. I think it might be a sweat gland. So, nowadays I never eat that part of the chook. However, the neck is another story.
Oh...NOW you tell me! Thanks Fran! I won't ever be eating those again from a take-away chicken. I feel sick now, & I haven't even had breakfast!! Our oven hasn't worked for years, so I've only bought chicken breasts & fillets since then.
by Miro
Sorry Miro. I have had a few disappointments in life and the Pope's nose was one of them. I also used to buy 2 kg of chicken necks (yes 2kg. and sometimes more) and make soup or stock out of them in the winter time. Great flavour. However……………….then a girl from Singapore asked me why I used necks and I said blah blah about the flavour and lack of fat and she said…………"well, back home in Spore we don't eat the chicken necks as that is where they are injected with antibiotics". I said……… "well, there goes my favourite cut for great chicken stock and also my favourite part of a roast chicken". Thank you very much Ms Chicken Expert. Sorry Miro.
by fran.
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