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When you bump into somebody you know, do you hug them, kiss them, or shake their hand?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by clarita, morguefile.com

When you bump into somebody you know, do you hug them, kiss them, or shake their hand?

Do you have a general preference or does it depend on the person you've bumped into?

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It depends who they are. Some friends are hugging friends, with others I shake hands or just talk to them.
All depends on 'who' it is.
I'm not all that into touch...but I will hug someone who is making that move to hug me.

I guess I have not done the shake hands for a while, all the people I know are very hands on..

Some I give a little kiss on the cheek, it really
depends....I try to not get into people's space, as I am a person who needs that.

No miss Vee that is not meaning you! lol
I was reading this and thinking, 'Crap...has she only hugged me because I tried hugging her?!' How awkward! LOL! I'm glad I don't fall into that category, hahahaha. \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ
by Vee
P.S. Really cute picture!
by Vee
Cats are so cuddly! Beautiful picture, jonaj!
by donjo
I don't initiate any touching; I prefer to keep my distance. If they see me I will say hi, if they don't, I will avoid eye contact so they don't see me. If they initiate a handshake, hug, or kiss, I will just grin and bear it.
I think it all depends on who the person is. Some I will shake hands with; some I will hug and/or kiss. Today I went in for the kiss. In my culture, we do two kisses, and, for some reason, I automatically went in for the two with this woman I had met for the second time. Lovely woman! The funny thing was that she went in for three as that is what is done where she comes from. It was lovely because it made me feel very welcome. :-D

by Vee
Some I do double kissing as with former male workmates as it's their culture. My girlfriend and cousins I kiss and good friends a combination of a kiss and hug.
shake hands
shake hands
There's usually hugging . . everybody I know seems to hug. (In England as a kid it seemed all the adults hugged.) Sometimes there's kissing and then I have to count as I have friends who are German, French, Swiss etc. LOL. Don't lose count - it makes a mess :-)))
by Rice
It would depend on who it is. Are they a close friend or an acquaintance. Usually we hug or kiss, but sometimes we do neither, we just talk. I never shake hands with friends or acquaintances. Bit too formal for me.
Mostly, I'll shake hands but there are the occasional times when a hug is in order. It all depends on the kind of relationship I had with the individual.
For me, purely depends who it is.

For my very best friends, it's kisses, & hugs.

For newly met people, or those in business, hand shake.
I'm not used to hugging people so i usually shake their hands, unless of course they are family or really old friends. I really have to know you before I will hug or kiss you when i greet you.
Depends on the person to be honest.
by sns
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