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When was the last time you went to the movies?

by lizzi (follow)
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These days you can get new release movies downloaded straight to your computer quite soon after release. Or they are released on pay TV quite quickly. And the prices at the movie theatres are going up. Does this mean that you go to the movies less? When was the last time? What did you see?

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We go every 2nd or 3rd Tuesday, as it's 'Cheep Tues'' and half price.
I do love it, the big screen is a lot more fun, and we take our own little snacks.
It's been a couple of months. It's partly that the cost that makes me go less often, but mainly having two young children. It's harder to arrange to go out to movies as a couple and expensive to take the kids as well. The last movie I saw in the cinema was The Box Trolls.
A couple of weeks ago as I won some tickets to see Gone Girl. Great movie! If I am buying tickets I try to get the discount ones as it is too expensive especially if you are taking the kids.
My partner and I went to see "Lucy" a couple of months back. That was the first time we had gone to the movies this year. For us it is partly the cost and also partly that we need to find someone to look after our two young children. I really quite enjoy going to the movies, although sometimes it's just easier to pop something on at home and not have to worry about baby-sitters and parking in the city etc.
Three weeks ago. I took my husband to see Dracula. I enjoyed it. He was confused.
by Vee
I haven't been to the movies in several months.
The last film we saw was 2 days ago, called,'45 Years' at our local art gallery. We are 'Friends of the Gallery', so we're able to buy a $35 yearly pass each, & see 1 movie a week, if we want too, but these are not shown during the school holidays. In the last 3/4 years of seeing these movies, there was only 1 we didn't really enjoy. I also look at movies on iview, & SBS has a choice of 250 movies 1 can watch for FREE! (On, "SBS on Demand')
by Miro
I've just found this question again, by accident, & the next last time was on Sept' 4 when we saw The Big Short at our local art gallery.
by Miro
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