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When was the last time you got all dressed up?

by Sarah Bell (follow)
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ball gown dress up
Image courtesy of Rosen Georgiev/Freedigitalphotos.net

Was it just for fun, or for a special occasion?

Do you like getting dressed up, or prefer dressing down?

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8 months ago, to go to a wedding.

It was nice looking all that! :)
But, not sure if I would like to have to do it more...casual is really me.
Last month, for a friend's wedding. I love getting dressed up!
Tomorrow night. Going out to dinner with my husband, his brother and his fiance, a cousin and his girlfriend. Should be fun.
by Vee
For my cousin's wedding which was about 1.5 years ago. I do like to dress up daily and wear light cosmetics to look fresh, but getting dolled up is a pain.
A few days ago when I decided I have so many nice, fashionable clothes in my dressing room, and they are always too good to wear, so I was going out for lunch and wore one of my "good" outfits.

I will now do it more often as otherwise, they just hang there.
by Finy
Walked my sister up the aisle few months ago such a privilege so a lot of effort was put into the dress wear
Went to Function last week. And a Concert on Sunday.
Enjoyable outings to get dressed up for, one fairly formal & the next very good casual.
The last time, I ‘dressed up', was 2 days ago, for a sister’s mother-in-law’s wake!
The other times I love dressing up is on a cruise at dinner time!, esp' on the 2 or 3
formal nights, even though we don’t wear ‘formal
cloths' as such! it’s still fun dressing up on the smart casual nights as well. I also dressed up, 3 nights in a row, in different outfits for an Indian wedding, in Bangalore, India 2 years ago, & I also like to dress up for the opera, but my friend I always go with, just likes wearing jeans, shirt, & jacket with a small backpack! (To each, their own)
I live to dress up!!!! I last dressed up for an engagement party a few days ago. Before that was a couple of weeks ago when we went to a concert. I like to feel special and getting dressed up is one way of pampering myself.
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