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When travelling, do you prefer nature or busy cities?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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When deciding where to go on holidays or for a weekend getaway, do you choose a quiet country location with lots of nature around you or do you enjoy large resorts and busy cities with lots of things to do?

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A bit of both, depending on where I am inclined to go. However it is great I escape in remote far from it locations without any mobile phone reception.
I went on a lot of nature holidays growing up and while they were fun I would now like to take some holidays that involved a bit of civilisation, like seeing art galleries, museums, eating in cafes etc. However, at the moment, with little kids, camping holidays are probably the most affordable way to travel.
Nature. I live in a busy city so I'm happy to go somewhere quiet and peaceful
where I don't have to sit in traffic for hours.
Give me green hills and peace and quite every single time.
I live in Sydney, and it is crazy! very busy ....lots of noise....no where really to hide.

So a country location would be heaven.
My preference is the country, in fact I just said to my husband last night that I'm feeling in need of another trip to the outback. I have enough city experiences in my home town through my volunteer work showing folk around my home town, and with the training I receive for this work.
Bit of both - I like to see the nature, but I like the comfort of the cities - I'm more at home in the cities, with the galleries and restaurants too...but I like short breaks 'roughing it'
I was born in the country, but after traveling....I discovered I am a city girl!. Although, within cities there are lots of peaceful nature pockets. For holiday travel, I prefer to be near shops and restaurants and people.
Definitely nature. Although cities are stimulating for short periods of time I find the noise, pollution and crowds draining after a while. About five days in any big city is quite enough for me!
A little bit of both!
Nature, of course. I consider a holiday away from home as a great escape from the busy city life, so why should I go to another city?
I really don't enjoy the city at all. It's sometimes cool to go check them out, especially overseas, but I love nature and wide open spaces.
I definitely prefer nature. I have a rule when I'm travelling for leisure - no large cities! Seriously, I would travel hundreds of miles through country rather than drive through cities.
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