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When shopping with a list, do you buy more than is on the list?

by Finy (follow)
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Shopping (184)      Supermarket (12)      Shop (4)      Shopping list (2)      List (1)      Impulse buy (1)     

Photo: Pixabay.com

When you shop at a supermarket with a list, do you generally stick to the list, or do you get side-tracked, and buy more than the items on your list?

#Shopping list
#Impulse buy
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I do buy the stuff on my shopping list,but then I always go to see what has been reduced in case I see something which I can use! I only put my urgent requirements onto my list so I definitely add more when I get the shop! Basically my list is a mind-jogger for stuff I desperately am ready to stock up on!
Yes I definitely get side tracked!
I seem to get side tracked in every isle by things I just "must" have (I get my wants and my needs mixed up" as I was once told!)

I am hopeless in a shop and that is yet another reason why I buy online -it is far cheaper for me to pay a $10 delivery fee than to go in a shop as I will impulse buy much more than $10 of food etc that I really do not need but like the look of!
by Finy
Always and Forever!
Well, that says it all. Hahahahahaha. Great pic, jonaj.
by Rice
Sometimes I stick to the list rigidly and sometimes it is just to remind me not to forget the most important things I went to the shop for. . . . in case I have gone browsing for inspiration for dinner.
by Rice
Back in 1987, I went to our huge shopping Centre where I was living at the time.
I made a detour into a shop, and ended up going home with a fur jacket!
(It was ok in those days).
Only went out for a loaf of Bread....True Story!

And I even forgot the bread, when I got home.
Ah...the simple years.....Life is so hard now...
When I go out, it's only for a loaf of bread......where did it all go wrong?
by jonaja
I think it might have been the fur coat that did it . . . . Teehee.
by Rice
No, I try to be strict about it so I don't come home with ridiculous impulse purchases.
Like Jules, I put the things I need on my shopping list and then have a look around to see if things I don't really need have been marked down. It doesn't hurt.
by Vee
I try to stick to the list. My husband does the shopping mostly and he comes home with bags of stuff probably because things were on special. Supermarkets are designed to keep you there and buy more things. It works in most cases, as we tend to stop and look more if we see the specials. I think it must be human nature to look for a bargain. If you can resist the sales and go in ONLY for what you came for, you are one of the few. The ones marketers hate !!!
Try to stick to list, but then I spot an, or ten, I'd really like!

Ho-hum, such is life in the supermarket aisles!
......'an ITEM, or ten'............
Senior moment!
by donjo
Hardly ever - I have a basic list but usually end up buying extra bits and bobs - c'est la vie. I think we are all guilty of doing that. Went shopping with a friend yesterday who only wanted a couple of things - came out of supermarket an hour late having spent $120!
by norma
I never stick to my list (when I do one that is). I always have a mental note of what I need but end up buying whatever I need and then some. I never leave a special if I will use it and with a huge walk-in pantry I've the space to store it.
I do..but not rubbish. Quite often it's something that I've forgotten from the original list or something that's cheaper....e.g. pears on special instead of the apples on my list which are at a dearer price etc.
Do I stick with the list ……….not a hope in Hell
I usually get more than what's on the list! I'm not very good at sticking to the list.
I definitely try to stick to my shopping list - saves money and food waste, so there is good reason to!
I always make a list. I always read the list in the supermarket, I buy what's on the list...And then I see foods that I'd forgotten I needed! So 6 items ads up to 20 + at the checkout! Ops.
by Miro
Yes, do, especially, if something is on special.
Yes, do, especially, if something is on special.
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