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When peeling veggies, do you use a peeler or a knife?

by Vee (follow)
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girl peeling potato
‘Die kleine Kartoffelschälerin’, sourced from Wikimedia Commons

I can’t peel using a knife, so I always use a peeler unless I’m skinning a pumpkin. Do you prefer to peel foods using a peeler or a knife? Why?

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I dont always peel my potatoes however if you use a knife, you cut away too much skin which is supposedly where the best goodness is.

So I always use a peeler.

Knives are for cutting, and peelers are for peeling.
by Finy
Depends what I find first. I have many peelers but prefer to use only one. If I can't find that one...out comes the knife.
Why do you keep them all if you only use one?
by Vee
Well it goes like this... My girls gave me a bunch of peelers for Christmas and the husband like to use those and so do the girls.
by chipp
I use a small sharp paring knife, I think it is more efficient than peelers, they seem to make hard work of preparing veggies, and potatoes etc.
Oh Farley, I have the exact opposite problem!
by Vee
Always a peeler. Always always always. Because it's the correct tool for the job. Knifes are for slicing, dicing and chopping, peelers are for peeling (the clue's in the name!). I have different peelers for different kinds of food :)
One of these, does wonders.
I use a regular knife to peel my veggies. Its just so much simpler for me.
I wish I was skilled like that.
by Vee
I don't peel stuff very often...when I do I use the potato peeler. I'm happy to use a small knife if needs be.
Mostly a peeler but a knife if I dont have a peeler. I saw a you tube of someone peeling two kilos of potatoes in less than a minute using a bucket of water and a electric paint mixer
That's handy to know, lol.
by Vee
Hello gbrow!
My aunt gave us a COMPLETE Kenwood Chef with ALL attachments as a Wedding Present, & one of those was the 'Potato Cleaner'.
It was a bowl with 'sandpaper' sides. You'd add a little amount of water, spuds as required for meal, set it going, & 'sandpaper' would remove skins so evenly!
Waste then put on garden!
by donjo
Hi That sounds great. I will have to look out for one
by gbrow
Heck, donjo, I remember seeing these as a kid in the early sixties! I was horrified at the noise but it would have been a very early model, I imagine.
by Rice
Have ONLY ever used a peeler!
Believe knife strips away too much 'goodness' underneath!
I was thinking along the same lines, donjo.
by Vee
Peeler. Much less waste.
by Rice
Vee you took the written word from me! A peeler takes off less potato, I think, that a peeler, & I find a peeler is a lot quicker to use. Some sorts of potatoes I don't have to peel, which is even better.
by Miro
miro_, oh, I bought the best peeler I have ever used just the other day. I bought a Jamie Oliver one you can find at Woolworths. I thought $8 was a bit much to pay for a peeler, but it was truly worth it. It takes off just the skin, and it glides. Oh, how it glides! Who thought one could get so excited about a peeler! LOL.
by Vee
Thank you Vee, for letting me know about the peeler! I was near a Woolworths yesterday! next time I'm in Westfield's, I'll have buy a red one, if they come in red.
by Miro
Oh my goodness, miro_, I took my peeler to my mother-in-law's place and forgot it there. I came home and had to peel veggies for soup with a knife...half were lost...
by Vee
Definitely, miro_. I have a red one. It's German and I have had it for at least twenty years. Peelers may come and go but it goes on forever.
by Rice
My 2nd 'peeler' word, should have read 'knife'!
by Miro
I have found a photo of my beloved peeler. This one (pictured) has not been treated well. Mine looks almost the same as the day I bought it. I would really be lost without it as it is the only one that has ever suited me.
by Rice
I use a peeler as I find it much easier.
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