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When is the best time to start a family?

by Pauline (follow)
Family (309)      Motherhood (31)      Childbirth (11)      Parenthood (4)     

best time to start a family, parenthood, motherhood
Source: Wikimedia Commons

While couples strive to work hard for financial stability, climb career ladder, and enjoy life without kids, age is certainly catching up. So, Is there a right time to start a family? When do you think is the best time?

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I was in my mid 30s when I had my first child and two years later I now have another son. This was a perfect age for me. My husband and I had time on our own together to enjoy child free times together and then when we were both ready for the next stage in our lives, children came along.

It's definitely physically and emotionally challenging at times but I think a little experience with life made the trying times easier to cope with than if I was younger and who needs sleep anyway when you're having fun.

With two active boys I don't even need to go to the gym. They keep me on my toes.
The are so many factors that it's impossible to answer for somebody else.
Are you in a commited relationship?
Are you financially stable?
Do you feel old enough?
Do you have the energy?
Are you doing this for yourself or for someone else?

There are no right or wrong answers, but you need to think about them and answer them honestly. At the end of the day, the best time to start a family is when it feels right for you.
Best to start a family when you are younger. That means that you will have lots of energy to spend with children, who literally drain their parents out. The later you wait, the more difficult it is to "adjust" to the new changes and additions in your life.
First and foremost, get your financial house in order. Plan as much as you can, otherwise with families, things come unexpectedly. I have heard many of my mother friends say to me that "there is never a right time to have kids, they just pop out."
IMHO, I think late twenties to early thirties would be ideal? By then a woman would possibly have a stable career, maturity and readiness to embrace motherhood.
I don't think there is really is a best time. Every circumstance is different.
It's different for everyone but I think when you have met your life long partner, are financially stable and have a home (or working towards owning your own home).
by WSW
When you are ready. This will vary from couple to couple. Early thirties was perfect for me, but I have friends who did it much earlier. Both have their pros and cons. The friends who had kids earlier are freer now as their children are getting older and they have more time to travel and spend with each other, but they might have had to sacrifice a career and travel earlier on to do that.
When you can afford a child without assistance from the government or taxpayers. Although, if you are a woman of calibre, you won't have to worry about those things.
Anytime after your'e married. I say the sooner the better.
by Gia
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