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When is the best time to go on a family holiday?

by Vanessa M (follow)
Parenting (216)      Travel (244)      Holiday (90)     

Summer, winter, autumn, spring. During school holidays, on long weekends, or during the school term itself. When do you find is the best time to go on a family holiday? Are the peak seasons popular for a reason? Is it all to do with the weather? Is it even necessary to wait till the school holidays?

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I think it's nice to take the kids for a long weekend that you create. Perhaps take the Monday or Friday off or both. Drive somewhere a couple of hours away with a beach and kids play area. If you go in school holidays it will be too packed, too loud and too expensive.
I quite enjoy going on camping holidays in the winter. Some people think we're a bit mad for doing that because it's cold but we're in Queensland but I prefer it to camping in the summer heat. It's also less crowded in the camping grounds, especially if you can going during school term time.
Not in school holidays- not only is it more $$, there's heaps of children being loud and hideous (much better if it's just your children ruining the serenity)
A long weekend on a non-long weekend is great. Holiday periods are easier logistics wise, yet it is great to give them a few days off school for a more relaxed family get together.
Holidays are so much more expensive in the school holidays, so if you have younger children, take advantage of that fact and go at a slightly different time while you still have that flexibility.
All the time! Winter for skiing and Blue Mountains (and Canberra), Summer for the beach locations... Footy season for Melbourne...
Since I work from home and my time is flexible, I like to take holidays outside the nominated school holidays. Accommodation and flights are cheaper and so you can get more for your money. I have taken my son out of school several times to go on holidays. He usually takes some homework with him and luckily he is a good student, so I've never had an issue with him falling behind at school.
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