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When invited out to dinner what if anything, do you usually bring along?

by Finy (follow)
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Eating out (23)      Present (12)      Gift when eating out (1)      Bringing gift (1)     

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When invited out for dinner to someone's house, what do you usually take along?

Do you take wine, flowers, food and/or chocolates, or nothing?

#Eating out
#Gift when eating out
#Bringing gift
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I have generally stopped taking chocolates as I do not like receiving them.
Most of my friends are a bit overweight and we no longer need chocolates.

I prefer to bake something and bring it, or occasionally I will buy flowers or a bottle of wine, though most of us do not drink any more either.

We sure sound boring!
by Finy
I never go to anyone's home empty handed, always take a little something, probably not something I hve baked (unless asked to take a dish) as I feel the person has already got the meal sorted.
by Fran
I like to give flowers from my own garden,as all my friends know how much I put into growing these simple yet beautiful treasures!!
I prefer to offer something home made - yesterday I took a jar of tomato chutney grown from our garden along with a large bunch of rocket as a nice wholesome offering.
by Lucy
It depends which country I'm living in!

In England, always a bunch of flowers and a bottle of wine.
In Belgium, a box of chocolates.
In Germany, it varied depending on whose house we were going to and how well we knew them, but usually a bunch of flowers with something else. A little present for any children in the house was the norm there.
In Singapore, nothing, though the occasional bottle of Champagne always went down well!
My parents were German, Verity, and they always brought something for the children -I have not heard of people doing this since, until you mention it now -must have been a German custom!
You just did not go to anyones house who had children, without taking them a present.
by Finy
We were a bit surprised the first time someone came to dinner and brought a present for our son but soon learnt it was the done thing in Germany. A rather sweet custom I think, as usually dinner hosts have plenty of wine already and struggle to cope with finding vases for bouquets when they are also hanging up coats and trying to prepare a meal! Handling a present is much simpler :)
What a lovely custom!
Depends who we are visiting. If I'm off to a BBQ or some such (which is about the only place we get invited these days, with 2 toddlers lol!) I will bring a big bowl of my fabulous potato salad or something like that. Maybe a nice marinade for the chicken. Or a homemade satay sauce. If it was someone who I knew would appreciate a bottle of wine I'd take that. If it's someone I don't know I would stick to something fairly simple - maybe a not too expensive wine or a nice box of chocolates.
Always wine, and usually a side dish of some sort at the very least. Showing up with 4 kids and expecting someone to feed us all is a bit much I think! Where we go everyone has lots of kids though, so everyone brings a dish of something normally.
Depends on the host and what I think they might like. Sometimes wine, sometimes eggs from our chooks or limes from our tree.
I think Chocolates are nice, nearly everyone like's something sweet after dinner.
I think not the every day kind, just something special and not too big.

When invited to somebody's place to dinner, I always ask the host if there is anything I can bring. Usually they'll tell me to bring something in particular or to bring nothing at all - so I do.
by Vee
I always bring something - don't like to go empty handed. Usually bring a bottle of wine
by AJ
I couldn't go anywhere for hospitality without taking something. It varies ranging from flowers to freshly home baked bread. Chocs are also in that range. It depends on the hosts I am visiting.
I always take something. If it is close friends they may ask for a "plate" to contribute such as cheese platter. Wine and good chocolates that people don't buy for themselves or some thing like a nice bar of soap, a trinket that they may be collecting, I match the gift to the person. I never go empty handed.
I usually take my get vex money. There are times when you just have to prepare for the unexpected.
by sher
What the .....? Have you replied to wrong post?
Don't know if your Dinner Hosts would want what you taking to their place!
by donjo
I don't take anything with me, but I may offer to help in doing stuff. It may be anything from setting out the silverware to washing up.
Wow! Wonder how much was spent by hosts' on feeding you?
What you do is certainly cheap! My silver is laid out hours' before guests arrive & I have an electronic dishwasher!
Have NEVER had anyone come to Dinner & not bring at least a bottle of wine! If they came empty handed, like my useless, ignorant parents in law, they were not/would not be asked again!
by donjo
Last time went to friends' for Dinner, took a bottle of wine each, a large pack of 'Favourites' (the thing you take when you're told not to bring a thing!), & a bunch of Flowers for the cook!
All were well received! The meal was superb, as it always is at this couple's!
When we used to go to a restaurant or dinner at a friends place, we'd take a bottle of wine. Now we don't go out driving at night anymore.
by Miro
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