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When do you do your Christmas shopping?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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Christmas shopping, gifts, presents

Do you shop for Christmas gifts throughout the year or do you leave it to the last minute? Do you order gifts online or do you prefer to shop at the mall?

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About a month before I write out a list of people to buy for and a rough idea of what I'd like to get, then I do bits and pieces when I can in the following week. I try and do most of it without the kids because it takes much longer and they find it hard to keep something as a surprise.
I do ALL of those things you have asked lol.
Absolutely as early as possible to avoid any Christmas time stress, and if there are presents to be had online I make sure to order them before the final day of November so they have ample time to make it home.
I do bits and pieces through the year when there are sales or when I see things. Occasionally this has backfired as by the time Christmas rolled around the person I'd bought the thing for had decided they didn't want it any more. I shop online a fair bit because it's easier than taking the kids to the shops with me.
Did mine yesterday, and on the whole it was a stress less experience. I had to buy my partners present a couple of weeks ago as he is now overseas for a little while.
Did mine yesterday, and on the whole it was a stress less experience. I had to buy my partners present a couple of weeks ago as he is now overseas for a little while.
Every year it's later than I hoped! Each time I plan to get it done early but I procrastinate.
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