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When answering questions on Answer Angels, do you look at the ads?

by DamienR (follow)
Photographer and writer.
Answer Angels (21)      Marketing (4)      Ads (1)     

Macbook and iPhone
Photo: Pixabay.com

When I’m writing and answering questions, I always find myself checking out the ads. I don’t know why, I don’t look at the ads on every site I visit, but Answer Angels and other hubs, I almost always do.

Do you?

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Top Answers
I can't help but look, I'm such a sucker!
Only by accident will I click these ads. Most of the ads I see are showing things I am not remotely interested in.
by Gia
Sometimes, and then I cringe.
by Vee
I installed AdBlocker on my Google Chrome so I don't see any ads :P
I HATE THE AD for the second question that is always to the right!
I don't like ad's and I don't look at them if at all possible.
Nope. I very rarely notice ads in any context and when I do I don't remember them!
I do lately as I am trying to build up the money on Answer Angels and I think maybe each time someone hits the ads, it ads money to AA???
dont know where I got that from though and perhaps not true?
There are not many and they are quite interesting.
by Finy
I have a blog site and thats how it works. The site gets money for views but even more for hits. You have to be careful though as Ad providers such as Google Adsense will (sometimes) permanently block a website if they believe that the clicks are just to generate ad revenue. They rather traffic that comes from creating great content.
by Gia
thanks Gia for that info.
I dont repeatedly click on these ads though as I assumed once you have done this, there is no point doing it over and over.
by Finy
I rarely notice them anymore :)
by BK
No, not at all,
Am just SO oblivious to them, they don't even attract my attention, unless the move!
Then, I 'kill' them!
NOT interested! Go away!
No I don't
No I don't I tend to be in the zone and not notice.
I hate those ads, (as well as newspaper ads, t.v. ads, any ads)! I mostly seem to get the Russian women ones! One can’t help but see them sitting there, waiting to be activated, which I don’t do of cause.
Sometimes, but generally I am focused on what people are saying
No ,do not like temptation....

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