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When, and if you have a bath, do you put anything in the water?

by Finy (follow)
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When you have a bath, do you put anything, such as oil or bubbles, in the water?

#Bubble bath
#Essential oils
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I haven't had a bath for about 9 months and tend to do so only when the weather is real cold (like NOW).
When I do I almost always put an oil in the water while it is running as it makes my skin feel really nice.
I do also have bubble bath which I sometimes use however prefer the feel of the oil.
I generally leave the bath running slowly as it marks the bath and that is the only pitfall of the oil.
Love a bath in winter but now have problems getting out of it!
by Finy
Always. It feels indulgent and helps me to relax.
British Storm, The question was asking, "What do you put into your bath, if you have a bath"? (besides your self, of cause!)
by Miro
I recently convereted to a shower only so unless im out, its no baths for me.
you have a bath when you are "out"?
by Finy
Sorry dwatk, I can't understand the sentence you wrote.
by Miro
I think it's a case of having a shower cubicle at home and no bath . . . as do I. No luxurious baths unless we are out at hotels. (that's if I could even get out of the bath again!)
by Rice
We don't have a bath, when I did I put some nice suds in and relaxed.
Baths are amazing for warming up, and keeping a good body temp, if you stay in over 15 mins.
Oh I love a good bath !!! They are so relaxing, and far more satisfying for ME than a shower. They are far more indulgent, as you can luxuriate in lovely warm water for as LONG AS YOU LIKE. To run a shower for half an hour or an hour would cost a lot more, and would be wasteful. Plus, you can lie down and be fully immersed in the warmth. Sometimes I will put some oil into the water, or a bath bomb.
We don't have a bath. Sometimes I will have a bath to relax when we stay in a hotel.
by AJ
So AJ, What did you put into the bath, when you stayed at a hotel?
by Miro
We don't have bath at home, but our youngest daughter in Melbourne does, so when we take our eldest grand-daughter over there for the week-end, she just loves playing in the bath that I add the bubbles too, even though the water is only about 3" high!
by Miro
And she also has a pile of plastic bath toys. She doesn't even care if the bathwater has gone cold! We've bought her special bath-pens she can draw on the tiles in the bath, or on the bath as well. Last time the youngest granddaughter also came over for the weekend, & I took photos of her drawings. The pens were from Aldi, but recently we saw them for a dearer price in the Bendigo Art Gallery shop. Yes, they can all be washed off after the girls have gone home, very easily.
by Miro
I haven't had a bath in years, quite honestley, but when I did, I liked to put in a nice scented bubble bath, when my son was a baby sometimes I would put in the Johnson's range of scented bath oil, but then he had ecszma so I had to stop.
Nothing in the water for me these days, I'd be too scared I might slip. If I had anything it would be some really good fragrant emollient oils. . . . and somebody to help me out of the bath. LOL.
by Rice
Can't remember the last time I had a bath. Would have been well over 60 years.
I have a large spa bath which I used regularly as Girl Guide Leader when I'd been away camping with my unit, climbing over obstacle courses and the like took a lot out of me. Always had Radox or some lovely scented oils or bubbles to soak in. Nowadays I have no trouble getting in, but getting out is a struggle so it has been showers only for some time now.
I love a hot bath with aromatic candles.
I haven't had a bath in a long time. But when I do, I use bath salts or something to that effect.
by Vee
Whats a bath? LOL. No, too time consuming for me, and when I did have a bath and put oil in the water, I felt it leave a coating on my skin which I didn't like. I don't like sitting in that same water for a long time either , give me a shower with constant clean running water.
Sometimes I put bath oil in, because I don't have a bath that often and I like it to be a luxurious, relaxing experience when I do get to. My current favourite is a scented oil that smells like a peppermint aero bar (eerily accurate). It came from House of Candles who can make pretty much any scent you like. Sometimes I get melty things from Lush. My kids like bubble bath but it's not good for you to use it all the time (for women and girls in particular, can mess with the pH downstairs).
I love a bath, I love to fill it right up and have a nice layer of bubbles on top. I love to put the bubbles in my hands and blow them away to make it snow (I know it's childish but why not have some fun)
I really disklike bath oils though. I hate how they leave a film on the bath and seem to stick to your skin.
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