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What's your favourite kitchen appliance?

by Rachael Koch (follow)
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Red kettle useful kitchen appliance

There are some things in my kitchen that I have never used. Some of those things *cough* juicer *cough* are appliances that friends couldn't live without.

What's your favourite kitchen appliance? It could be the old standby that you use everyday, or the once a month exciting treat.

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My food processor. Use it for everything and makes life so much easier!
My blender. I use it all the time for smoothies. Can't make a decent smoothie without one.
Probably my Saeco automatic coffee machine -although I only have one or two a day, it was one of the things I thought "I cannot live without" when I divorced.
Also my mixmaster I would have a problem being without as love baking cakes etc.
There are several other necessary ones, but these two are "fun" ones.
by Finy
Probably my Saeco automatic coffee machine -although I only have one or two a day, it was one of the things I thought "I cannot live without" when I divorced.
Also my mixmaster I would have a problem being without as love baking cakes etc.
There are several other necessary ones, but these two are "fun" ones.
by Finy
Mine is my oven.I cannot imagine moving around in the kitchen without it.

But otherwise I love everything in my kitchen.Dont want to hurt my utensils,kettle and all the other buggers :)
My little 2 element I cook on.

We don't have a stove that works(well haven't for 7 years)....soooo I love my little cook top.Just plug into the wall, and I make some yummy food.
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