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What's your favourite Asian food?

by Xarah (follow)
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I have tried Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese and Japanese food, and I have to say, Japanese delicacies always hit the right spot when it comes to satisfying my hunger.

What's your favourite Asian food? What's your go-to cuisine in the Asian markets?

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Thai food. Particularly Thai green curry or Thai beef salad. The spices and herbs used in Thai cooking are particularly flavoursome.

I would drift towards Thai food. No matter what the dish, Thai is almost always good.
I love food that has duck in it. What a delicious food - and Thai/Vietnamese often has the duck in it.
Yum! Yes, I agree - what a great choice :) Love duck in any kinda food - did you know that the Sushi Train chain has introduced a duck sushi dish? It's beautiful.
by Xarah
That's great - I might need to check that out ;)
I love Japanese food big time.
Can't get enough, and it really is quite filling...and seems healthy too.
I love Yum Cha - so much variety, and a good Laksa always hits the spot when I'm really hungry.
by Lucy
I love Japanese food. Especially soft shell crabs, seared scallops and all sushi.
They are slightly healthier and they normally don't have a greasy after taste.
Teriyaki chicken/fish in winter is absolutely delicious ~
Ooh that's a toughie, in terms of Indian foods I love parathas. They're thin naans filled with coconut and seasoning. My favourites include garlic and chilli parathas and sweet coconut ones, yum!
I like Thai food (vegetarian options only).
That is something I canot really choose as there are so many I really like but if I have to chose I would say Peking duck with the crispy skin wrapped inside a pancake and smother in sauce!
by Finy
Pad Thai, Curry,Stir Fry anything and Fried Won tons
by Gia
Peking Duck
Chicken Chow Mein
Beef in Black Bean Sauce, here at home.

Always ate the most market food in Singapore, & Penang. Thoroughly enjoyed all had, over the many trips there!

Ate in many Hotel Restaurants in Hong Kong, Manila, Bangkok, Malacca, Penang, Singapore, & Kuala Lumpur.

Have had some very interesting foods, as I try to eat local dishes.
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