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What's the worst toy or gift you received?

by Manny (follow)
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Dead Fred product image

What is the worst-ever toy or gift you have ever received as a gift??

Dead Fred product image

And why did you think so?

Note: I love horror, supernatural movies but I couldn't stand these gifts (& disposed of them)

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The worse gift I ever got was from my 'mother-in-law'.

She gave me for my birthday many years ago, a half used bottle of very cheap hand lotion!
She was quite happy to wish me 'Happy Birthday', she smiled and said she didn't like it.
Yes.....It was half used up.

I told her, it's half used up!#?!!!! and she replied, yes I know!!
she was a real sweetheart :(
There isn't one specific gift, but rather a category. As a teenager, I often received clothes that were completely not my style - sparkly and girly. Now, almost every Christmas I receive a scarf from the same friends. They look lovely, but how many scarves do they think I need? I rarely wear scarves anyway.
I got rid of these toys because they made awful screeching (or screaming) sounds as we insert the pen/pencils in to the crevices given for the purpose. I had got another of the same type but consideration for decorum on this public forum prevents me from posting the image or describing it.
Not me, but my sister once received an ugly looking doll
UGLY - is quite subjective.. What was ugly? looks / texture or any annoying sounds it made when you pressed or such..
by Manny
It just looked ugly to us.
by Sasha
You've really painted us a picture there Art. :P
by Vee
Sometimes getting kitchen appliances is not exactly a gift I would have on top of the list. It depends on the type of appliance. The worse would have to be a salad spinner. To me - takes up space and I hard use it. Yeah - not the best of choices.
My grandmother, God bless her soul, bought me a very dated junk-shopesque bird statue. I didn't have the heart to tell her how I really felt about it, so accepted it graciously.
by Vee
Socks. for men, it's always socks.
Knickers and socks...oh dear...
I once received an iron as a practical joke from my boyfriend at the time. He kept it up for about 15 minutes whilst I feigned approval, but inside I thought, does he know me at all?! I was horrified!
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