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What's the worst road accident you have seen?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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By Bill Longshaw, www.freedigitalphotos.net

Have you seen road accidents? Some people are lucky to just scratch and escape but others go through a traumatic experience. Have you seen any such accident? What was your reaction? Were you a spectator or part of it?

Note from the editor. Please be sensitive with any comments

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It haunts me to this day. My dad was driving me to my first day of work. On the way we saw a massive accident where a car went straight under a mini-truck. The car was crushed and the person in side was trapped with the truck on top. We stopped as I had just passed a First Aid Course and thought I could help. I entered into the car with the person with the truck on him. He could hardly talk and the ambulance was taking forever. I just held his neck and supported his upper body on mine. He muttered a few words which were: "Tell them I love them". He died later. Many months later I met a friend who knew the family of the man who died. I told her to tell them the story. It was very sad! :(
Oh! wow....that stuff is totally full on, and hard to forget.
by jonaja
It was some years back. A small car had lost control and rammed in to a military truck. The back portion of the truck had cut through the car and sliced the two men in front seats. I still cannot erase that gory image from my mind.
I know what you mean :(
by jonaja
10 years ago, I came upon an accident of a young man who had 5 mins before hit a pole, on his motor bike.
I pulled over, saw people in shock....some had pulled a tree apart to cover him.
What I saw, took me months to get over.
When the fire men came to clean up...one was very angry...to see such a mess.I could see he was affected, and I asked if he was o.k.....He said no, and proceeded to clean up, with his other officers.
What I noticed with the people around who saw it happen, was total shock.
No emotions....For weeks I felt cold inside, so I can not imagine what they saw, must have been horrific.
Since then, I have a hate for Motor Bikes.

I remember crying a lot after..... for the young man's mother, because I have 3 sons and it hit me very hard, as a mother.
To this day I have to pass that very spot, which is marked with a white cross.

I think that if you have witnessed or been in a car accident it is not something that you really want to revisit especially if it was a bad one.
The one we were involved in. A few years ago now at Kwinana we were hit by idiot who lived locally and went straight thru a stop sign. He hit my mum's side door, my dad was driving. I had passed out and when I came to all I heard was screaming. Mum had fractures in her leg which had to have a rod inserted and screws to hold them in place, and spent 6 months in hospital in a Thomas splint, then went to Shenton Park Rehab. I will never forget it. My dad and I got off lightly with seat belt bruising and a couple of little fractures. Mum ended up with one leg shorter than the other, osteoarthritis and degeneration of her spine. The idiot got a couple of broken ribs.
A driver of a car was speeding late one night and crashed in the back of a parked truck. It was gruesome.
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