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What's the worst meal you have ever eaten in a restaurant?

by DamienR (follow)
Photographer and writer.
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Weird Food
Photo: Pixabay.com

Let's not mentioned restaurant names, but what was the worst meal you have ever eaten at a restaurant? What made it so bad?

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My wife and I attended a wedding that was held at a clubhouse years ago. They served a veal dish of some sort. This had to be 11 years ago, maybe more, the veal was so horrendous that I still remember as the worst thing I have ever eaten. It's the only time I have ever eaten veal so I have no idea if I dislike veal or if this was just a retched dish.
Can't think of any, but I love the picture
by Finy
I know, right! I didn't choose it because it looks gross, because it obviously doesn't. But it doesn't look like a pastry, it looks more like a mockery of a bird on a vet's operating table....a fruit-filled, very delicious bird ;)
I cant quite recall but I had a meal of baked chicken at a wedding in December that tasted like it was reheated.
by Gia
Oh! Gia, how gross! They not heard of 'Salmonella Poisoning'?
by donjo
A very very poor attempt at a lasagne at a restaurant in Brussels. It stands out because in three years living in Brussels and eating out at least three times a week, I only had two bad meals and this was the worst by far!
Having said that, I had plenty of grim meals in Germany but that was to be expected, so not memorable.
We went to a chinese buffet once and I swear I'm still concerned about dying of food poisoning. It was the most unappetising meal I have ever faced. I'm not kidding you when I say that EVEN THE ICE CREAM WAS BAD!!! How do you make bad ice cream!?!?! You just scoop it out!?

the food had colours I've never seen before, there was a sauce that was bright red, like NEON RED and it was gelatinous goo with something that might have been meant to be chicken in it. Honestly, I can't explain to you how bad it was. it was wholly inedible.
Two friends' & I went to a local French Restaurant for Dinner, one Saturday night.

The food was so-so, much of it arriving cold.
Waited too long between Courses.
Parts of Mains Orders' NEVER arrived.
Had problem getting Cutlery, with which to eat.
Hot Desserts' were actually cold.
Coffee was lukewarm, & undrinkable.
Account was disputed, as charged for items' which WE didn't order!
Kids' from other tables, treating Restaurant as playground. They were NOT disciplined by either their lazy parents', or Restaurant owner.

All in all, a s@&) of an experience.

As I had organised it, I rang Owner on the Monday. He was French, & couldn't have cared less! I was giving him 'positive feedback', which he refused to accept. His loss. We had the means to advise many people, & we did so, 'word of mouth' & all that!

Wasn't too long before it became an Indian Restaurant, which lasted for many years', & I noticed driving-past a month ago, it's got its' former French name back again. I wonder if it's same family re-surfaced, or new owners'?

MIGHT give it a go. Will check online reviews' firstly, though.

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