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What's the worst cold symptom?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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cold, tissue, blow your nose, tablets
Image from Morguefile.

Last night I began to get a sore throat, and was feeling very tired. Then in the early hours of the morning, I had a stuffed nose. I've now got a fully fledged cold. Joy. We all hate them, and they come with a variety of symptoms from head aches to a runny nose. When you get a cold, which symptom do you find the worst?

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Top Answers
Blocked nose! I'm primarily a nose breather - sounds silly, but yes some people breath better through their mouths - which is not easy when it's blocked. My husband laughs at me. He's been breathing through his mouth while he sleeps for years.
by Vee
I should add, meanwhile I'm suffocating next to him because I forget how to breathe!
by Vee
I always got the very bad aches and pains.
Like I felt I was dying.!
Then, I did something about it and I have not had a flu now in a long long time.
My son has the flu right now, and he lives with me...but I won't get it.Never do!
Are you going to enlighten us with your secret?
I don't think it would 'sit well' with yourself.... :) but it works very well and has never let me down.
by jonaja
For me, the worst is a sore throat; it's like razor blades cutting down your throat.
You'll get a fever next.
I rarely get a cold however a constant sore throat really annoys me.

It seems to last for ages and even though I rarely get it, it is probably therefore worse as I am not used to it!
by Finy
All cold symptoms are bad. The worst ones are the ones you have to put up with when you don't have a cold. If I have people coming for a dinner at my place and I have a heavy cold, like with the really runny nose and sneezing, I cancel that date because I think it is the appropriate thing to do. I can't handle someone cooking for me if they have a bad cold, turns my stomach as much as someone blowing their nose at the table.
All cold symptoms are annoying and bothersome but the worst one for me is a blocked nose.
I rarely get colds, but sore throat is not nice.
by Finy
A sore throat, especially when it's hard to swallow, and a blocked nose that I can't breathe properly.
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