There are some interesting foods from all over the world. We have pie floaters in Australia--a pie floating in a sea of peas--there's a cheese that comes with its own maggots in Italy, blood jelly in Thailand, or fermented fish in Scandinavia.
What's the strangest food you've ever eaten? Would you eat it again?
I don't really see foods any food as strange, as I seem to love almost everything -the only one I will not try is brains. I would probably also not try the cheese with maggots either.
Different cultures eat different foods, which may be strange to us however in their country of origin, I guess they are not strange!
Hello Finy!
Have you not tried either Poached Brains or had them as Crumbed Brains? Have eaten either all my life, as well as Lambs' Fry & Bacon. Enjoy Haggis, once a year!
My friend and I used to camp in my parents' garden, and we would have hot chocolate before bed. Into which we would drop cubes of cheddar cheese. Neither food is very unusual in isolation, but together they are a bit more peculiar.