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What's the strangest dream you've ever dreamt?

by Vee (follow)
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Sleepy time
Image: 'Sleepy time' by xlibber

If you're anything like me, your dreams will teeter anywhere from curious to down right bizarre.

So what's the strangest dream you've ever dreamt?

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Dream of me flying through the city, on an oversized doll.
Absolute gold.
by Rice
I tend to forget my dreams very quickly after I wake up, but I know that most of my dreams are crazy.
Stupid dreams such as my a best friend being killed by my dad, and then my dad giving me $1 million has his way of apologising for killing my best mate.
That is strange!
by Vee
One pretty weird dream I had many years ago was that a plane crashed into my school's playground, then skeletons got out and started driving jeeps into the wreckage. I've had weirder, but I can't remember them. That one sticks in my mind because it was a recurring dream.
I wonder how that would be interpreted! :-)
by pfuit
I had a look at the Dream Moods website and it said:

'To dream that a plane crashes signifies that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. You are in danger of having those goals come crashing down. Alternatively, the crashing airplane represents your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt. You do not believe in your own ability to achieve those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified.'

'To see a skeleton in your dream represents something that is not fully developed. You may still in be the planning stages of some situation or project. Alternatively, a skeleton symbolizes death, transformation, or changes. You need to get to the bottom of some matter. The skeleton may also be a metaphor for "skeletons in your closet." Do you have something to hide?'
and the skeletons were showing off that "they bought a jeep". It explains a lot but there was a lot more.
by pfuit
That is the difficulty with dream interpretation. The meaning of each image changes as soon as it is put into context alongside another image.
I had a dream last night that was totally bizarre!

I won $900,000
I even felt it was real, and I had so many projects to help others....by using the money.
Woke up, very sad to see it was just a crazy-realistic-dream.
I hate realistic dreams! I had a realistic recurring dream-within-a--dream where I was restrained by an unseen force that had also taken my voice. Very disturbing.
by Vee
uummm that is disturbing!
by jonaja
I was in Russia. There was a shipment of huge construction equipment being transported on the back of trucks which were travelling on very narrow mountain roads. I don't know why I was there but I had a camera which I spent most of my time trying to figure out how to use it. Was told I couldn't take photos but that has never stopped me. I was in a place with a lot of industry and the people drove yank-tanks (like Happy Days). Strange dream.
Are you a photographer? My husband had a dream during which he was hoping to take photos of steam trains and I woke him up as he was running towards them. Oops!
by Vee
No I'm not a photographer. This was more spy stuff. Glad you caught your husband in time.
by pfuit
I have two.
One was a recurring dream from kindergarten all the way until I hit 20, about those jumping Chinese zombies in a post-apocalyptic world. Although the sequence of events and the zombies were always the same, the people around me running away from them in the dream would change, featuring the different groups of friends I made over the years. (Thankfully I haven't had that dream since my 20s.)
In the second dream, I died and 'reincarnated' as a bowl of spaghetti. In the dream, I was aware that I became a 'spirit' and was looking at the spaghetti like it was an out-of-body experience.
I drove to a park and got on an ocean liner. It was going to Sweden. I did not want to got to Sweden but I couldn't get off. The whole top deck was one big empty room with a toilet right in the middle. I woke up as I was trying to slip through the big metal doors in the stern of the ship.
by Rice
I dont generally remember dreams
by Finy
I have no idea what my dreams were about, let alone the strangest dream I've ever had!
by Miro
I don't dream much at all. However, a few weeks ago I woke up laughing at something my late husband said to me. I reached over in bed to touch him before stark realisation set in. Absolutely crap!
I'm sorry, norma. That is crap.
by Vee
Thank Vee - it sure is.
by norma
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