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What's the one thing you cannot live without apart from food?

by Finy (follow)
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What is the one thing, not counting food, which you would not want to live without, and why?

#Make believe
#Must have
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As per the photo -my coffee machine....it is one of the important things in my daily life.
Probably not really in the greater scheme of things, but a pleasurable one.
I need to get it serviced shortly, and do not know what to do while I do not have it..wonder if I am addicted -I only have one a day?
by Finy
My camera. If I couldn't take pictures I would die.
My girlfriend.. She's amazing :)
My parents, because they are the most important thing in the world to me. I couldn't live without them on both an emotional level, or a practical level, because they help me with so many things that I am unable to do or cope with by myself.
My Faith.

I would be totally lost...and depressed.
It has saved my life many times.
Water, because it is cleansing. Otherwise I cannot live without my laptop as I rely on it heavily in my business.
Justine, didnt think of computer -probably better than what I said!
by Finy
My medical team would tell me that I need my medication,but I think I could not live without my darling dogs.They are my friends,as well as being very therapeutic in many ways! Pity I can only choose ONE thing,as I do adore my camera,my laptop,and my best friends!! Hey,I have just worked a way around this dilemma: I cannot live without my collection(ONE collection,make note!!!) of favourite things being those I mentioned above!!!
oh I forgot that one too -silly me said the coffee peculator when it should have been the dogs and the computer!!
by Finy
So you also have ONE collection !!! I am so relived you have said your dogs!!!
by Jules
My two boys are the centre of my world.
My lipgloss! I am totally and utterly addicted to my lipgloss. Everything stops if I can't find it, and I begin to hunt for it. Lipgloss is comforting and I like having great lips. It's my one vanity that I have to indulge.
but Selina, that would be No 2 for you....pets??? which i forgot!
by Finy
Family and friends - couldn't choose just one
by AJ
No material thing has that big a hold on me.
To a large extent....my independence, however this is not a tangible item...which is what I think you mean Finy...well....perhaps my piano
by Fran
I could say family, friends, pets or any other number of REAL answers but instead I'm doing to pretend that those things are a given and all the other things in my life need to be graded.

My coffee machine is definitely a BIG must have, but buying coffee at the shops isn't hard …. so the THERMOMIX wins the day. I need my thermomix!!!
Do you use the thermomix a lot? I actually should have put that in the questions that kids are a "given"! That is obvious....I can't go out and get a coffee every day though -rather I COULD but the convenience of having it at home.....
by Finy
I use it every single day, more than once quite often! I love it to bits lol It has completely changed the way I cook.
by meggf
Sorry, Meggf, I'd never buy 1 of those! I've heard & seem to many terrible stories about them blowing up, & the firm won't take responsibility for them. I'd rather spend my $2000 on a new 11" pink Apple laptop!
by Miro
Tea. I could almost have it on a drip I drink so much of it.

There is not a single "thing" I could not live without. There are people though I can say my life would be incomplete without.
Goes without saying that I couldn't do without my kids but then there's technology and I have to be honest - I couldn't live without my IPad!. Seems like a huge part of my life is on this clever little device!
My family.
Spending quality time in nature. I can get by for a week or two, but after that I start feeling tired and run-down.
My family, all a bit pointless otherwise...
My Faith is the one constant in my life that I believe in and I am strengthened by it every day

My husband
Besides the most obvious, I can't leave home without my Shopping NB. Have so much written in there as I think of it, not just groceries!
oxygen. To "air" is human....
Warming sunshine, keeps me healthy, keeps the plants and animals happy, keeps us warm, keeps creating energy, keeps the day light on, keeps me tanned, keeps me from wearing clothes.
Family, real coffee, my laptop, cruising & air. I may get my house tidied up, if I didn't have my laptop!
I'm now ready to hand my laptop over to my husband. (He uses it at night, when I go to bed,) & buy a lighter weight pink coloured 12" laptop. I've bought the bright pink holder for it!
by Miro
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