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What's the difference between memory and hard drive?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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macbook air, laptop
Photo: Dan Taylor - Wikimedia

In the specs for various computing technology it lists both memory and hard drive. For example, a laptop might have 4GB memory, but 500 GB hard drive. What is the difference?

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Do you mean Random Access Memory (RAM)? If so, it is important to check this out before you purchase a new device as it determines how good the device is at multitasking. Generally, the higher the RAM the better the ability to run several programs concurrently. For Windows systems it is useful to note on this website whether your operating system is making the most of the RAM installed, click HERE

Hard drives are another kettle of fish in the memory/data world. For Windows desktops and laptops this is generally a C: drive which is installed within the device and is unremovable. It is where all your programs, documents, photos, music, videos etc can be stored and accessed so long as the device is turned on.

You can purchase external hard drives quite easily or use cloud storage nowadays; thankfully PC's usually come with enough storage for the average user.

Unfortunately if you own a Macbook Air the maximum storage that they can come with is 128 GB SSD. It is fast but could only store about 20* movies. So you would need to upgrade or buy and external SSD.
Thanks for such a helpful and detailed reply.
Memory is storage for files, while hard drive is what is needed for the computer to function with RAM etc. I think off hand?
I think by memory, you mean the space the computer needs to run their programs. It's required when you get a new computer. In fact, I think when it comes to memory, the bigger is really the better. As for hard drive, it depends on how much you need for storage. The computer can still function without one. Or you can increase the storage capacity with a portable hard drive. Not very expensive, I think. Getting a computer with a large memory is much more expensive.
Amelia Morgano is right on the money with this one.
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