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What's the cheapest piece of clothing you own?

by lizzi (follow)
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Clothing (45)      Cheap (3)      Bargain (3)     

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There was a question the other day about the most expensive piece of clothing you own - so I'd like to know: What's the cheapest piece of clothing you own? Must have been purchased for an actual price and must be something you wear.

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My cheapest piece of clothing is my yoga pants I got from Kmart for $3 - I wear them to the gym every week! I also picked up a pair of jeans from Big W for $8 which I wear a lot.
A shirt from a charity shop that was about £2.
T-Shirt $3 from K-Mart.

I think for that price, it's fine.
I found a very lovely skirt at the local op shop winter clearance for $4. Bargain.
by Lucy
A mod-styleshift dress. It's black with three horizontal pink bars. I love it. Picked it up at Vinnies for $5. Total steal and in such good condition!
by Vee
Op shop item for me too. A pair of shorts for $3 - certainly got my money's worth!
I buy most of my clothes at the Op shop that I now manage, so all my clothes are now "cheap".

Some are incredible bargains as they are designer labels for a fraction of the cost however a lot of what is in my wardrobe cost very little so I cannot name just one item.
by Finy
The cheapest thing I think I've worn is shoes that cost $3.
I bought a jade coloured jacket from the $1 rack at the front of one of the op shops. That would be my cheapest, but I own other items that didn't cost much. I love op shops.
Scarf from Op Shop! $2.
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