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What's the bigger turn off, nail-biting or smoking?

by Vee (follow)
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What's the bigger turn off, nail-biting or smoking, and why?

#Bad Habits
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As I bite my nails, I would have to say definitely smoking.

Biting nails does not effect other people, whereas cigarette smoke definitely does.

Also as a reformed smoker, I cannot stand the smell of smoke, yet if someone bites their nails, it is harmless to me!
by Finy
Never heard of any 'nail biting deaths'; yes, it's gross, but there're reasons' people do it & just can't help it! It's a singular affect situation: you & you, alone. Doesn't impinge on anybody else, unless it's their eyes' seeing the nails!

Smoking! Gross, filthy, smelly, stinky, harmful to all & clothes & downright dangerous! It KILLS!

Surely published research has been around long enough by now to discourage this foul habit! But obviously not, & people are starting smoking at even a YOUNGER age!

Hate it when you get into a lift & a smoker has got out before you! It stinks! Where're the extractor fans?
When a work colleague returns from 'smoko' & the smell wafts in the office & they smell to the point of sickly. Don't they know this, or do they have a 'couldn't care less about anybody else' attitude? Foul, just foul!
Great points donjo! I think you're right on the money.
by Vee
Many thanks, Vee. You vote of confidence means much to me today! Cheers!
by donjo
I am now in stitches thinking about "nail biting deaths"!! Thank you :-)
by Rice
Smoking. Nail biting only affects you. Smoking affects other people. Neither would be a deal breaker necessarily.
Both are totally gross.
Smoking to me is the big no-no.
I hate it with a passion.
Nail biting can be fixed without too much problems.
Pity smoking can't!

Smoking, I hate that I have to inhale the smoke while walking because somebody else decided to ruin their lungs.
by BK
Both really annoy me!

Smoking. As a child my parents both smoked and nothing was worse as I had to go outside when they did
I dislike both equally. I couldn't live with either. Although having said that, I would be less worried about smoking as that is just an addiction but nail-biting is usually a symptom of something deeper so would worry me more. But I would be extremely unlikely to ever get close enough to a nail-biter or a smoker to be giving it too much thought anyway....
Smoking definitely.
Definitely smoking. I cannot stand the smell and some cigarette smells make me sneeze non stop. It also lingers in clothing so any smoker who thinks you can't tell they've been smoking, think again.
SMOKING- it stinks
As I bite MY nails, (sorry everyone,) I also have to say defiantly smoking! It's awful walking along footpaths, while people are standing there, puffing away. And when they're smoking in NON smoking zones, e.g., Martin Place Sydney! They should be fined!
by Miro
I'm right with you, sister!


Fellow Nail-Biter

by Vee
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