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What's the best way to succeed at work: competition or cooperation?

by Here and There (follow)
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In order to succeed at work should you be competitive or cooperative? What's your opinion?

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Healthy competition can make you quite productive. Cut throat competition is counterproductive. Besides, it can earn you few enemies. But always trying to get better at what you do, competing against your own past performance and choosing the most efficient team member as your idol (in your head) will all aid you in getting more competent at your work.

Cooperation can earn you respect and appreciation from peers and management thus ensuring that promotions and good opportunities come your way. It is a matter of balancing healthy competition with effective cooperation without becoming malicious or a pushover.
I always think cooperation is better that constantly trying to out do one another. Two heads are better than one, and you can achieve more with the help of others. Business rivalry results in some companies closing down, while co-worker rivalry creates an unpleasant tense environment to work in.

Saying that, friendly competition is always a good thing, as it motivates people to improve.
Cooperation and collaboration. Competition is intense, and everyone is burnt out at the end. Abundance - there is plenty to go around.
Being cooperative in group projects is almost a requirement.
Being competitive in individual projects can give you the edge.
I'm naturally competitive, and in the work place I am only too comfortable making others aware of my role, and I like to show my competency and skills. Cooperation is necessary for a happier work environment, but frankly, competition gets you to the top.
After 40 years of work life, and still working today in an office..... Cooperative is the BEST way to go.
It's not about you!...it is about giving the Company you work for, your very best.
When people have a agenda to step on others, or even climb over them, your boss is watching.
Your boss wants you to do the job well, and be loyal.
No one has the right to try and out do someone else, when everyone else is trying to do their job.
Sure some people are lazy, incompetent...but that is your bosses job, to nut them out.
If I found anyone in my company being competitive, means they do not have my company at number one...just themselves!
They would be out the door very quick....Working is not about you, but the person you work for.

Employee's think it can be a battleground ...for their own interests, which also may I say will cause a very unhealthy and unhappy work place.

Pity, too many do not put the boss first and the Company .

It is all about ''me-me-me'....Your boss is not stupid, that's why he has the Company.Look after him/ her and the rewards will be there, believe me!
Depends on you (the person) and the person above you - some people work better one way, and others don't, and same goes for the people above you that get to promote you...so it's playing to styles...
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