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What's the best cake to enjoy with coffee?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Food (698)      Preference (76)      Coffee (24)     

Coffee and Cake by MaxStraeten via morgueFile
Coffee and Cake (Image by MaxStraeten via morgueFile)

Coffee and cake, mmm,mmm. That's the easy choice, but what cake to have - black forest cake, cinnamon donut, lemon meringue pie, mud cake, tiramasu?

What's your favourite cake to enjoy with coffee?

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Top Answers
Years ago it was always black forest cake, then more recently I liked an iced cup cake with coffee. My current favourite is mocha ring with cream. Oh Heck....I just love cakes!
I'm not a coffee fan but I do like a slice of cake with a cup of tea as a morning treat! My current favourite is tiffin - I have found a version that is free from every allergen you can imagine, so I have the comfort of knowing it's not doing me harm and unlike many "free from" cakes and biscuits, it is delicious.......
My wife makes all of what you have listed plus many more. So I would say all of what you have listed.
My husband would give the same answer.
by dwatk
My wife makes all of what you have listed plus many more. So I would say all of what you have listed.
My top choices would be chocolate/fudge or carrot cake.
I am not a coffee person, so I wouldn't know much
by BK
I have to say I will eat CAKE!
I take it seriously, like any decent human should....
No real fav, it's all heaven to meeeee :)
It has to be very fresh, and made well.
I refuse to buy any cakes from the normal places you see popping up.

Only eat it once in a while, so it has to be
near perfect.
Not keen on home made.....but that's just me.

Don't mind paying extra, as long as the quality is there, that is a Must.
ANY cake as long as it is not dry -I make a lot of cakes though I do not really know for whom apart from myself.
Often take some in to work, however I like to experiment with cakes, and like moist, not real high, dry cakes....

I cannot have coffee without something sweet, rather I dont often do that.
by Finy
My current 'cake of choice', with Coffee, is a Vanilla Slice!
One of the Coffee Shops I frequent has a 'Coffee & Cake' deal, & their cakes are just scrumptiously fresh!

I actually don't like cake with coffee and I drink far more tea. I have just realised I don't eat cake much at all.
by Rice
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