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What's in your handbag?

by annep (follow)
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Photo: bandita - wikimedia commons

A study on the content of women's handbags shows a rather worrying image of what we are carrying around all day.

What about you? What do you have in your handbag?

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Admittedly, some of us ladies love throwing in their bags everything they think they can't live without, even the things they don't know what to do with at the moment. But I don't think it's a good habit.

Personally, I just have my mobile, my wallet, a bag of paper tissue and my keys in the bag. Carrying too many things around simply is unnecessary.
I had a huge clean out of my handbag yesterday, so now there is only my wallet, phone, keys, a nappy and a packet of baby wipes. Most of what I got rid of were old receipts that I had just thrown in there for the sake of somewhere to put it after being handed it at the shops.
The following, apart from the mobile phone and wallet:

Lip balm
Hand cream
Water bottle

Pretty boring really...
Coins generally floating at the bottom of my bag, wallet, headphones, my iphone, sunglasses, reading glasses, perfume, water bottle, toys and an old pack of cough lozengers
I just bought a new handbag yesterday, after the other one fell apart.
This one is bigger.
I now have(had a clean-out)
My wallet
A pen
Band aids
Few bits of paper
Reading Glasses
Car Keys.

My new bag is 22 cm's long by 18 cm's high.With a long strap.
In black leather.Even though it is a third the size of a normal handbag I love it!
My daughter says my hand bag is like the one of Nanny Mcphee! I have everything from medicines to makeup. I do not carry a big bag. Never bigger than which is known as a 'bowling bag'. But I somehow manage to fit in all the essential stuff that I need and also what I think I ' ll need.
Way too much junk!
I do not carry a handbag. I always wear shorts with side pockets and just carry my wallet.
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